Endoscopic Retrieval of a Migrated Pancreatic Stent under Direct Pancreatoscopy by Use of a "snare over In-Stent Wire Guide" Method.
Wei Yao,Yonghui Huang,Hong Chang,Yaopeng Zhang,Ke Li
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vgie.2018.06.004
Abstract:After ERCP, proximal migration of the pancreatic stent is an uncommon adverse event, and its management can be technically challenging. The authors report a case of endoscopic retrieval of a migrated, double-flanged, pancreatic stent (5F × 7 cm) under direct pancreatoscopy by use of a “snare over in-stent wire guide” method (Video 1, available online at www.VideoGIE.org). Five years previously, a 46-year-old man with recurrent pancreatitis had undergone ERCP. The main pancreatic duct (PD) was dilated throughout. After a pancreatic sphincterotomy, a 5F × 7-cm double-flanged straight pancreatic stent was inserted for post-ERCP pancreatitis prophylaxis. One month later, the patient underwent an upper endoscopy for stent removal. The endoscopist did not visualize the stent endoscopically and thought it had dislodged. However, the stent had migrated into the pancreas. The patient did well for 5 years without a further attack of pancreatitis. Unfortunately, the migrated stent was seen inside the pancreas on CT scan (Fig. 1) after the patient experienced another episode of acute pancreatitis. During ERCP, all attempts to retrieve the stent with balloon, snares, and forceps were unsuccessful. Under fluoroscopy, guidewire cannulation of the stent also failed (Fig. 2). Then, we performed direct pancreatoscopy using SpyGlass (Boston Scientific, Natick, Mass, USA). A mild duct stricture at the neck of the PD was seen. After it was dilated with a 6-mm × 4-cm balloon, the pancreatoscope was advanced into the pancreatic body. The distal end of the stent was seen (Fig. 3). The rest of the main duct appeared normal despite the presence of the indwelling stent for 5 years.Figure 2Fluoroscopic image showing the attempt to cannulate the stent with a guidewire.View Large Image Figure ViewerDownload Hi-res image Download (PPT)Figure 3Direct pancreatoscopic image of the migrated plastic stent.View Large Image Figure ViewerDownload Hi-res image Download (PPT) The authors successfully cannulated the stent with a 0.035-inch guidewire (Fig. 4) through the Spyscope’s biopsy channel. A minisnare was advanced into the proximal PD over the guidewire. The stent was grasped and removed successfully (Figs. 5 and 6).Figure 5The migrated stent is grasped by a minisnare.View Large Image Figure ViewerDownload Hi-res image Download (PPT)Figure 6Successful removal of the migrated stent.View Large Image Figure ViewerDownload Hi-res image Download (PPT) Proximal migration of a pancreatic stent is an uncommon adverse event that occurs in up to 5.2% of patients,1Johanson J.F. Schmalz M.J. Geenen J.E. Incidence and risk factors for biliary and pancreatic stent migration.Gastrointest Endosc. 1992; 38: 341-346Abstract Full Text PDF PubMed Scopus (272) Google Scholar but its management can be technically challenging because of the small PD diameter, the bent course of the PD, the presence of PD strictures, and the lack of suitable devices for stent removal. Because of the PD diameter, the use of devices that open (forceps, basket, or snare) is difficult when there is insufficient space in the main PD, especially if the stent is farther away from the stricture. Under fluoroscopy, it is also difficult for these devices to catch the stent. Traditional endoscopic retrieval techniques have a success rate of 87%.2Price L.H. Brandabur J.J. Kozarek R.A. et al.Good stents gone bad: endoscopic treatment of proximally migrated pancreatic duct stents.Gastrointest Endosc. 2009; 70: 174-179Abstract Full Text Full Text PDF PubMed Scopus (67) Google Scholar Stent removal procedures carry a potential risk of damage to the pancreatic duct, which may lead to postprocedure pancreatitis. In this case, routine endoscopic techniques failed to retrieve the stent. SpyGlass pancreatoscopy facilitated successful guidewire cannulation of migrated stent and removal of the stent by use of a “snare over in-stent wire guide” method. It provides a new method to solve this problem. Under direct pancreatoscope observation, it also does less damage to the pancreas. All authors disclosed no financial relationships relevant to this publication. eyJraWQiOiI4ZjUxYWNhY2IzYjhiNjNlNzFlYmIzYWFmYTU5NmZmYyIsImFsZyI6IlJTMjU2In0.eyJzdWIiOiI2MzlmOTlkNzQxNjIwMmViYzQyZTYwZTZkNjQxZTlhNyIsImtpZCI6IjhmNTFhY2FjYjNiOGI2M2U3MWViYjNhYWZhNTk2ZmZjIiwiZXhwIjoxNjc4OTM1ODgwfQ.G-9jP-hW16rh2Yrh-HJbSoTZ6_f1rBbnUlOfogakHkm8JX--Pr4BWkHZEIlHQ5xVBUyCGf4zC6bd-I3gZxGgVWMKAv28tjYkVdCDYWEVOoY-aHcJum9nDoozRB4GtF_vI167Kww9y-T8Pw3AlV4pjJIj7_8Sals-l8bUL4ShbDUr_nwl9GLKUzcxdDMEp5vt2VMTkCzPP7KomJ1i1O-Wg1sRDIOH5Ie5R68elxDDBo07FMcdzeZ5DLKRrWIhjowU6Ae7D_CGleZOdcWML8xP6CcxhnIOYA5jFQ6TOF-I1K4Hy5p9M8JGO5F--U5JtL-bqmj6tLrRXS-n3TdaJpr6Zg Download .mp4 (161.79 MB) Help with .mp4 files Video 1Retrieval of a migrated pancreatic stent by pancreatoscopy and “snare over in-stent wire guide” method. Download .docx (.02 MB) Help with docx files Video Script