On the empty balls of a critical or subcritical branching random walk

Jie Xiong,Shuxiong Zhang
Abstract:: Let { Z n } n ≥ 0 be a critical or subcritical d -dimensional branching random walk started from a Poisson random measure whose intensity measure is the Lebesugue measure on R d . Denote by R n := sup { u > 0 : Z n ( { x ∈ R d : | x | < u } ) = 0 } the radius of the largest empty ball centered at the origin of Z n . In this work, we prove that after suitable renormalization, R n converges in law to some non-degenerate distribution as n → ∞ . Furthermore, our work shows that the renormalization scales depend on the offspring law and the dimension of the branching random walk, which completes the results of [12] for the critical binary branching Wiener process.
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