The discovery and characterization of handaxes in the Baise Basin, China - with a focus on the Fengshudao site
Xi Wang
Journal of Korean Palaeolithic Society
Abstract:This paper collates information on the current status of investigations and related handaxes in the Baise Basin over the last 50 years, focusing on the Fengshudao site, through a metrological analysis of handaxes Type,Shape, size, lithology and other attributes) and other areas (other sites in the Baise Basin, the Luonan Basin, the Imjin/Hantan River Basins , the Geum River Basin, the Yeongsan River Basin, the Acheulian handaxes in the western Old World) for comparative analysis and to understand their nature.
The Baise handaxe belongs to the pebble industry in southern China. Because its cultural attributes include Acheulean technology, it occupies a pivotal position in the pebble culture of southern China and Asia. From its discovery in the early 1970s to the present, in the past 50 years, relevant investigations and research have achieved scientific research results, which have attracted widespread attention from the international academic community. Therefore, Chinese academic circles have also begun to discuss the ‘Movius line’. At present, there are 41 sites containing handaxes in the Baise Basin, and a total of 499 handaxes have been found. Among them, 11 were excavated from strata, and the rest were collected from the surface.
The Fengshudao handaxes were basically made from large flakes and pebbles, with three types of stone: sandstone, quartzite and igneous rock. The sandstone is the most abundant and has the most stable ‘broadness’(B/L) and ‘flatness’(Th/B). According to the results of the metrological analysis, the ‘broadness’ (B/L) and ‘flatness’ (Th/B) indices of the Fengshudao handaxes are relatively high, and the ‘Pointness’ (B1/B2) index is relatively low. A comparison with other sites in the Baise Basin, the Luonan Basin, the Imjin/Hantan River Basins , the Geum River Basin, the Yeongsan River Basin, the Acheulian handaxes in the western Old World Acheulean handaxe shows that the Fengshudao handaxe is broader, thicker and has a more pointed base. In terms of industrial assemblages, handaxes and picks are common forms of assemblage in the Baise Basin, while Cleavers are rare, which is a clear difference from the Acheulian industry of the western Old World.