Cotorsion pairs and t-structures in a 2−Calabi-Yau triangulated category 1

Yu Zhou,Bin Zhu
Abstract:For a Calabi-Yau triangulated categoryC of Calabi-Yau dimension d with a d−cluster tilting subcategoryT , it is proved that the decomposition ofC is determined by the special decomposition ofT , namely,C =⊕i∈ICi, whereCi, i∈ I are triangulated subcategories, if and only ifT =⊕i∈ITi, whereTi, i∈ I are subcategories with HomC(Ti[t],T j) = 0,∀1≤ t≤ d− 2 and i , j. This induces that the Gabriel quivers of endomorphism algebras of any two cluster tilting objects in a 2−Calabi-Yau triangulated category are connected or not at the same time. As an application, we prove that indecomposable 2−Calabi-Yau triangulated categories with cluster tilting objects have no non-trivia l t-structures and no non-trivial cot-structures. This allows us to give a classification of coto rsion pairs in this triangulated category. Moreover the hearts of cotorsion pairs in the sense of Nakaoka are equivalent to the module categories over the endomorphism algebras of the cores of the cotorsion pairs.
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