Heavy Quarkonia in Quark-Gluon Plasma

Cheuk-Yin Wong
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.72.034906
Abstract: Using the color-singlet free energy F_1 and total internal energy U_1 obtained by Kaczmarek et al. for a static quark Q and an antiquark Qbar in quenched QCD, we study the binding energies and wave functions of heavy quarkonia in a quark-gluon plasma. By minimizing the grand potential in a simplified schematic model, we find that the proper color-singlet Q-Qbar potential can be obtained from the total internal energy U_1 by subtracting the gluon internal energy contributions. We carry out this subtraction in the local energy-density approximation in which the gluon energy density can be related to the local gluon pressure by the quark-gluon plasma equation of state. We find in this approximation that the proper color-singlet Q-Qbar potential is approximately F_1 for T ~ T_c and it changes to (3/4)F_1+(1/4)U_1 at high temperatures. In this potential model, the J/psi is weakly bound above the phase transition temperature T_c, and it dissociates spontaneously above 1.62 T_c, while chi_c and psi' are unbound in the quark-gluon plasma. The bottomium states Upsilon, chi_b and Upsilon' are bound in the quark-gluon plasma and they dissociate at 4.10 T_c, 1.18 T_c, and 1.38 T_c respectively. For comparison, we evaluate the heavy quarkonium binding energies also in other models using the free energy F_1 or the total internal energy U_1 as the Q-Qbar potential. The comparison shows that the model with the new Q-Qbar potential proposed in this manuscript gives dissociation temperatures that agree best with those from spectral function analyses. We evaluate the cross section for sigma(g+J/psi->c+cbar) and its inverse process, in order to determine the J/psi dissociation width and the rate of J/psi production by recombining c and cbar in the quark gluon plasma.
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology,Astrophysics,Nuclear Theory
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is: **To study the stability and dissociation behavior of heavy quarkonia in quark - gluon plasma (QGP)**. Specifically, the author uses the color - singlet free energy \(F_1\) and total internal energy \(U_1\) between static heavy quarks and antiquarks calculated by Kaczmarek et al. through quenched QCD to explore the binding energy and wave function of heavy quarkonia in QGP. ### Main problems: 1. **Determining the appropriate Q - ¯Q potential**: The author finds the appropriate color - singlet Q - ¯Q potential in a simplified model by minimizing the thermodynamic potential. They find that the correct Q - ¯Q potential can be obtained by subtracting the gluon internal energy contribution from the total internal energy \(U_1\). 2. **Evaluating the binding energy at different temperatures and the dissociation temperature**: The author calculates the binding energy of heavy quarkonia at different temperatures and determines the dissociation temperature. For example, J/ψ is still weakly bound above the phase - transition temperature \(T_c\), but spontaneously dissociates at \(1.62T_c\); while χ_c and ψ' are not bound in QGP. 3. **Comparing the results of different models**: The author compares their new Q - ¯Q potential with other models using the free energy \(F_1\) or total internal energy \(U_1\) as the Q - ¯Q potential, and finds that the dissociation temperature of their model is most consistent with the spectral function analysis results. 4. **Calculating the cross - section and dissociation width**: To determine the dissociation width of J/ψ and the rate of J/ψ regeneration by \(c\) and \(\bar{c}\) recombination in QGP, the author also calculates the cross - section of the \(g + J/ψ\rightarrow c+\bar{c}\) reaction and its inverse process. ### Research background: - **The stability of heavy quarkonia** is an important topic in high - energy heavy - ion collision experiments. Matsui and Satz once proposed that the suppression of J/ψ can be used as a signal for the existence of QGP. - **Non - perturbative effects**: In the case close to the phase - transition temperature \(T_c\), the range of strong interactions does not change drastically, so low - mass mesons such as J/ψ may still be in a relatively narrow state. - **Lattice QCD calculations**: Asakawa et al. and Petreczky et al. studied the mass and width of heavy quarkonia using spectral function analysis and the maximum entropy method, and found that the width of J/ψ remains relatively narrow below \(1.6T_c\). ### Methodology: - **Potential model analysis**: The author uses the two - body potential obtained from lattice gauge theory to study the dissociation of heavy quarkonia. - **Local energy density approximation**: Under this approximation, the gluon energy density can be related to the local gluon pressure through the equation of state of QGP. - **Thermodynamic potential minimization**: By minimizing the thermodynamic potential, the author finds the appropriate Q - ¯Q potential. ### Results: - **Binding energy and dissociation temperature**: The author calculates the binding energy at different temperatures and determines the dissociation temperature. For example, J/ψ dissociates at \(1.62T_c\), while bottomonium states dissociate at higher temperatures. - **Model comparison**: The dissociation temperature of their model is most consistent with the spectral function analysis results. - **Cross - section**: Calculates the cross - section of the \(g + J/ψ\rightarrow c+\bar{c}\) reaction and its inverse process to determine the dissociation width and recombination rate. Through these studies, the author provides an important theoretical basis for understanding the behavior of heavy quarkonia in QGP.