AliMe Avatar: Multi-modal Content Production and Presentation for Live-streaming E-commerce
Feng-Lin Li,Zhongzhou Zhao,Qin Lu,Xuming Lin,Hehong Chen,Bo Chen,Liming Pu,Jiashuo Zhang,Fu Sun,Xikai Liu,Liqun Xie,Qi Huang,Ji Zhang,Haiqing Chen
Abstract:We present AliMe Avatar, a Vtuber designed for live-streaming sales in the E-commerce field. To support the emerging live shopping mode, the core of our digitial avatar is to enable customers to understand products and encourage customers to purchase in a virtual broadcasting room. Based on computer graphics & vision, natural language processing, and speech recognition & synthesis, our AI avatar is able to offer three kinds of key capabilities: custom appearance, product broadcasting, and multi-modal interaction. Currently, it has been launched online in the Taobao app, broadcasts 700+ hours and serves hundreds of thousands of customers per day. In this paper, we mainly focus on the product broadcasting part, demonstrate the system, present the underlying techniques, and share our experience in dealing with live-streaming E-commerce.