An Analysis of Female Body Alienation in Consumer Society

Yinghui Li
Abstract:. Along with the beauty of a women’s appearance and good shape widespread application in the television advertisement media, through the facial plastic surgery, fitness, such as ways to reshape the female body, in order to make it more conform to the social reform movement is aesthetic body, with the consumer culture, patriarchal, female closely related to the social aesthetic standard to become. The consumer society desalinates the spiritual connotation of women, simplifies women into different bodies, makes women blindly follow social aes-theticstandardstotransformtheirbodies,thuslosingtheautonomyofthebodyand causingfemalebodyalienation.Itisextremelyurgenttoenhancewomen’scontrol overtheirbodiesandtheirsubjectiveconsciousness,andtobuildapluralisticand inclusivesociety.
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