Constructing warm inflationary model in brane-antibrane system
M. R. Setare,A.Sepehri,V.Kamali
Abstract:Recently, various observational data predict a possibility that inflation may naturally occur in a warm region. In this scenario, radiation is produced during the inflation epoch and reheating is avoided. The main question arises that what is the origin of warm inflation in 4D universe? We answer to this question in brane-antibrane system. We propose a model that allows all cosmological parameters like the scale factor a, the Hubble parameter H and phantom energy density depend on the equation of state parameter in transverse dimension between two branes. Thus, an enhancement in these parameters can be a signature of some evolutions in extra dimension. In our model, the expansion of 4D universe is controlled by the separation distance between branes and evolves from non-phantom phase to phantom one. Consequently, phantom-dominated era of the universe accelerates and ends up in big-rip singularity. Also, we show that as the tachyon potential increases, the effect of interaction between branes on the 4D universe expansion becomes systematically more effective, because at higher energies there exists more channels for flowing energy from extra dimension to other four dimensions. Finally, we test our model against WMAP and Planck data and obtain the ripping time. According to experimental data, $N\simeq 50$ case leads to $n_{s}\simeq 0.96$, where \emph{N} and $n_{s}$ are the number e-folds and the spectral index respectively. This standard case may be found in $0.01 < R_{Tensor-scalar } < 0.22$, where $R_{Tensor-scalar }$ is the tensor-scalar ratio. At this point, the finite time that Big Rip singularity occurs is $t_{rip}=33(Gyr)$.
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology