Riesz Multiwavelet Bases Generated by Vector Refinement Equation
Song Li,ZhiSong Liu
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11425-008-0118-8
Science in China Series A Mathematics
Abstract:In this paper, we investigate compactly supported Riesz multiwavelet sequences and Riesz multiwavelet bases for L 2(ℝ s ). Suppose ψ = (ψ1,..., ψ r ) T and \(\tilde \psi = (\tilde \psi ^1 ,...,\tilde \psi ^r )^T \) are two compactly supported vectors of functions in the Sobolev space (H μ(ℝ s )) r for some μ > 0. We provide a characterization for the sequences {ψ jk l : l = 1,...,r, j ε ℤ, k ε ℤ s } and \(\tilde \psi _{jk}^\ell :\ell = 1,...,r,j \in \mathbb{Z},k \in \mathbb{Z}^s \) to form two Riesz sequences for L 2(ℝ s ), where ψ jk l = m j/2ψ l (M j ·−k) and \(\tilde \psi _{jk}^\ell = m^{{j \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {j 2}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} 2}} \tilde \psi ^\ell (M^j \cdot - k)\), M is an s × s integer matrix such that lim n→∞ M −n = 0 and m = |detM|. Furthermore, let ϕ = (ϕ1,...,ϕ r ) T and \(\tilde \phi = (\tilde \phi ^1 ,...,\tilde \phi ^r )^T \) be a pair of compactly supported biorthogonal refinable vectors of functions associated with the refinement masks a, \(\tilde a\) and M, where a and \(\tilde a\) are finitely supported sequences of r × r matrices. We obtain a general principle for characterizing vectors of functions ψν = (ψν1,...,ψνr ) T and \(\tilde \psi ^\nu = (\tilde \psi ^{\nu 1} ,...,\tilde \psi ^{\nu r} )^T \), ν = 1,..., m − 1 such that two sequences {ψ jk νl : ν = 1,..., m − 1, l = 1,...,r, j ε ℤ, k ε ℤ s } and {\(\tilde \psi _{jk}^\nu \) : ν=1,...,m−1,ℓ=1,...,r, j ∈ ℤ, k ∈ ℤ s } form two Riesz multiwavelet bases for L 2(ℝ s ). The bracket product [f, g] of two vectors of functions f, g in (L 2(ℝ s )) r is an indispensable tool for our characterization.