Negative Entropy, Pressure and Zero temperature: a L.D.P. for stationary Markov Chains on [0,1]
A. Lopes,J. Mohr,Rafael R. Souza,P. Thieullen
Abstract:We analyze some properties of maximizing stationary Markov probabilities on the (modified) Bernoulli space [0, 1] N , which means we consider stationary Markov chains with state space S = [0, 1]. More precisely, we consider ergodic optimization for a continuous potential A, where A : [0, 1] N → R which depends only on the two first coordinates of [0, 1] N. We are interested in finding stationary Markov probabilities µ ∞ on [0, 1] N that maximize the value Adµ, among all stationary Markov probabilities µ on [0, 1] N. This problem correspond in Statistical Mechanics to the zero temperature case for the interaction described by the potential A. The main purpose of this paper is to show, under the hypothesis of uniqueness of the maximizing probability , a Large Deviation Principle for a family of absolutely continuous Markov probabilities µ β which weakly converges to µ ∞. The probabilities µ β are obtained via an information we get from a Perron operator and they satisfy a variational principle similar to the pressure in Ther-modynamic Formalism. As the potential A depends only on the first two coordinates, instead of the probability µ on [0, 1] N , we can consider its projection ν on [0, 1] 2. We look at the problem in both ways. If µ ∞ is the maximizing probability on [0, 1] N , we also have that its projection ν ∞ is maximizing for A. The hypothesis about stationary on the maximization problem can also be seen as a transhipment problem. Under the hypothesis of A being C 2 and the twist condition, that is, ∂ 2 A ∂x∂y (x, y) = 0, for all (x, y) ∈ [0, 1] 2 , we show the graph property of the maximizing probability ν on [0, 1] 2. Moreover, the graph is monotonous. We also show that, in the sense of Mañé, the maximizing probability is unique. Finally, we exhibit a separating sub-action for A.