The enigmatic life history of the bamboo explained as a strategy to arrest succession

Aiyu Zheng,Stephen W. Pacala
Ecological Monographs
Abstract:Bamboos are perennial woody grasses that display an enigmatic mix of traits. Bamboo is highly shade intolerant like early‐successional trees. Without secondary xylem, bamboos cannot continue to grow once they reach a maximum height or replace xylem damaged by hydraulic stress and must instead replace each stem after a few years using vegetative propagation via rhizomes. These traits of bamboo would appear to make them inferior to trees in competition for both light and water in all but early‐successional wet locations. However, some species competitively exclude trees and form persistent monodominant stands across large areas in tropical and temperate forests, including areas that are not mesic. Moreover, bamboo paradoxically postpones seed production for decades to over a century, and then flowers semelparously and dies synchronously. The delayed reproduction appears to be inconsistent with an early‐successional strategy to colonize disturbed areas as soon as they form, while the simultaneous death over large areas appears to be inconsistent with a late‐successional strategy to gain and hold space. Bamboo exhibits great diversity in its growth form and life histories along the tropical‐temperate geographical cline, with tropical bamboo being taller with shorter rhizome lengths and flowering interval lengths than temperate bamboo. We hypothesize that all of the above characteristics of bamboo are essential elements of competitive strategies to arrest succession in a lineage that lacks secondary xylem. To develop this Arrested Succession Hypothesis, we construct mathematical models of competition for recently disturbed areas between a tree species and a species with bamboo's enigmatic characteristics. We modeled the growth of bamboo genetic individuals from seedlings after seed germination to clonal culms at mass flowering and then placed these individuals in competition with one another and with trees in simple models of competition for light. Results explain how bamboo's traits allow it to persist in forests late in succession despite its hydraulic disadvantages, and form monodominant stands in the temperate zone, but not in tropical forests. They explain why bamboo is semelparous with synchronized reproduction, and why maximum culm size and age, reproductive interval, and rhizome length differ between the tropics and the temperate zone. 摘要 竹子是多年生的禾本科植物,其中木本竹子展示出一系列神秘的特征。首先,竹子与早期演替树种一样不耐荫蔽。由于没有次生木质部,竹子一旦达到最大高度或木质部因水力压力受损,它们将无法继续生长而必须通过地下茎进行营养繁殖,每隔几年就需要更换受损的竹竿。除非处于早期演替的湿润地区,竹子的这些特性理应使它们相对于具有次生木质部的树木在争夺光线和水分方面处于劣势。然而,一些竹种却能够与树木共存甚至通过竞争排除树木,在热带和温带森林包括非湿润地区形成空间上大范围、时间上持久存在的单优群落。此外,许多竹子选择将有性生殖推迟几十年甚至一个世纪,大面积单次开花后同时死亡。早期演替策略要求尽快占领干扰后出现的林窗与空地,竹子这种延迟的繁殖策略与其并不相符,而竹子大面积同步死亡似乎又与后期演替策略获取和维系被占领空间的要求不一致。竹子在其热带‐温带地理分布区内也表现出极大的生长形态和生活史差异:热带竹子较高,地下茎短而成簇状,地上竹竿成丛,开花间隔时间较短;而温带竹子则相反,地下茎较长,在地下游走形成竹鞭,萌蘖出地面上相对分散的竹竿,开花间隔时间也较长。本文认为竹子的奇妙特性源于其作为草本植物缺乏次生生长的根本限制, 在与具有次生生长优势的木本植物竞争时,拥有上述混合特征的竹子只能通过阻断演替来获得对森林空间的长期稳定控制。本研究通过数学模型来验证这一"阻断演替假说"。模型描述了树种和具有竹子特征的草本植物在林窗和森林空地中的竞争情况,模拟了竹子个体从种子发芽到基株的生长,并将其与木本植物个体放置在简单的光竞争模型中进行交互。通过数学分析,我们解释了为什么具有应对水力压力的劣势的竹子却仍能在演替后期持续存在于森林中;为什么竹子能在温带地区形成单优群落,却无法在热带地区形成类似的优势林。"阻断演替假说"还解释了为何竹子会发展出单次繁殖、大面积同步开花死亡等奇特的繁殖特征,以及为什么竹子在热带‐温带地理分布区内的竹竿大小、寿命、开花周期和地下茎特征存在差异。
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