Continuous Double Auction Mechanism and Bidding Strategies in Cloud Computing Markets
Xuelin Shi,Ke Xu,JiangChuan Liu,Yong Wang
Abstract:Cloud computing has been an emerging model which aims at allowing customers to utilize computing resources hosted by Cloud Service Providers (CSPs). More and more consumers rely on CSPs to supply computing and storage service on the one hand, and CSPs try to attract consumers on favorable terms on the other. In such competitive cloud computing markets, pricing policies are critical to market efficiency. While CSPs often publish their prices and charge users according to the amount of resources they consume, auction mechanism is rarely applied. In fact a feasible auction mechanism is the most effective method for allocation of resources, especially double auction is more efficient and flexible for it enables buyers and sellers to enter bids and offers simultaneously. In this paper we bring up an electronic auction platform for cloud, and a cloud Continuous Double Auction (CDA) mechanism is formulated to match orders and facilitate trading based on the platform. Some evaluating criteria are defined to analyze the efficiency of markets and strategies. Furthermore, the selection of bidding strategies for the auction plays a very important role for each player to maximize its own profit, so we developed a novel bidding strategy for cloud CDA, BH-strategy, which is a two-stage game bidding strategy. At last we designed three simulation scenarios to compare the performance of our strategy with other dominating bidding strategies and proved that BH-strategy has better performance on surpluses, successful transactions and market efficiency. In addition, we discussed that our cloud CDA mechanism is feasible for cloud computing resource allocation.
Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing,Computer Science and Game Theory