The Inclusive Jet Cross Section in P Collisions at =1.8 TeV Using the K⊥ Algorithm
VM Abazov,B Abbott,A Abdesselam,M Abolins,V Abramov,BS Acharya,DL Adams,M Adams,SN Ahmed,GD Alexeev,A Alton,GA Alves,N Amos,EW Anderson,Y Arnoud,C Avila,MM Baarmand,VV Babintsev,L Babukhadia,TC Bacon,A Baden,BB Baldin,PW Balm,S Banerjee,E Barberis,P Baringer,J Barreto,JF Bartlett,U Bassler,A Bauer,A Bean,F Beaudette,M Begel,A Belyaev,SB Beri,G Bernardi,I Bertram,A Besson,R Beuselinck,VA Bezzubov,PC Bhat,V Bhatnagar,M Bhattacharjee,G Blazey,F Blekman,S Blessing,A Boehnlein,NI Bojko,F Borcherding,K Bos,T Bose,A Brandt,R Breedon,G Briskin,R Brock,G Brooijmans,A Bross,D Buchholz,M Buehler,V Buescher,VS Burtovoi,JM Butler,F Canelli,W Carvalho,D Casey,Z Casilum,H Castilla-Valdez,D Chakraborty,KM Chan,SV Chekulaev,DK Cho,S Choi,S Chopra,JH Christenson,M Chung,D Claes,AR Clark,L Coney,B Connolly,WE Cooper,D Coppage,S Crepe-Renaudin,MAC Cummings,D Cutts,GA Davis,K Davis,K De,SJ de Jong,K Del Signore,M Demarteau,R Demina,P Demine,D Denisov,SP Denisov,S Desai,HT Diehl,M Diesburg,S Doulas,Y Ducros,LV Dudko,S Duensing,L Duflot,SR Dugad,A Duperrin,A Dyshkant,D Edmunds,J Ellison,JT Eltzroth,VD Elvira,R Engelmann,S Eno,G Eppley,P Ermolov,OV Eroshin,J Estrada,H Evans,VN Evdokimov,T Fahland,S Feher,D Fein,T Ferbel,F Filthaut,HE Fisk,Y Fisyak,E Flattum,F Fleuret,M Fortner,H Fox,KC Frame,S Fu,S Fuess,E Gallas,AN Galyaev,M Gao,V Gavrilov,RJ Genik,K Genser,CE Gerber,Y Gershtein,R Gilmartin,G Ginther,B Gomez,G Gomez,PI Goncharov,JLG Solis,H Gordon,LT Goss,K Gounder,A Goussiou,N Graf,G Graham,PD Grannis,JA Green,H Greenlee,ZD Greenwood,S Grinstein,L Groer,S Grunendahl,A Gupta,SN Gurzhiev,G Gutierrez,P Gutierrez,NJ Hadley,H Haggerty,S Hagopian,V Hagopian,RE Hall,P Hanlet,S Hansen,JM Hauptman,C Hays,C Hebert,D Hedin,JM Heinmiller,AP Heinson,U Heintz,MD Hildreth,R Hirosky,JD Hobbs,B Hoeneisen,Y Huang,I Iashvili,R Illingworth,AS Ito,M Jaffre,S Jain,R Jesik,K Johns,M Johnson,A Jonckheere,H Jostlein,A Juste,W Kahl,S Kahn,E Kajfasz,AM Kalinin,D Karmanov,D Karmgard,R Kehoe,A Khanov,A Kharchilava,SK Kim,B Klima,B Knuteson,W Ko,JM Kohli,AV Kostritskiy,J Kotcher,B Kothari,AV Kotwal,AV Kozelov,EA Kozlovsky,J Krane,MR Krishnaswamy,P Krivkova,S Krzywdzinski,M Kubantsev,S Kuleshov,Y Kulik,S Kunori,A Kupco,VE Kuznetsov,G Landsberg,WM Lee,A Leflat,C Leggett,F Lehner,C Leonidopoulos,J Li,QZ Li,X Li,JGR Lima,D Lincoln,SL Linn,J Linnemann,R Lipton,A Lucotte,L Lueking,C Lundstedt,C Luo,AKA Maciel,RJ Madaras,VL Malyshev,V Manankov,HS Mao,T Marshall,MI Martin,KM Mauritz,AA Mayorov,R McCarthy,T McMahon,HL Melanson,M Merkin,KW Merritt,C Miao,H Miettinen,D Mihalcea,CS Mishra,N Mokhov,NK Mondal,HE Montgomery,RW Moore,M Mostafa,H da Motta,E Nagy,F Nang,M Narain,VS Narasimham,NA Naumann,HA Neal,JP Negret,S Negroni,T Nunnemann,D O'Neil,V Oguri,B Olivier,N Oshima,P Padley,LJ Pan,K Papageorgiou,A Para,N Parashar,R Partridge,N Parua,M Paterno,A Patwa,B Pawlik,J Perkins,O Peters,P Petroff,R Piegaia,BG Pope,E Popkov,HB Prosper,S Protopopescu,MB Przybycien,J Qian,R Raja,S Rajagopalan,E Ramberg,PA Rapidis,NW Reay,S Reucroft,M Ridel,M Rijssenbeek,F Rizatdinova,T Rockwell,M Roco,C Royon,P Rubinov,R Ruchti,J Rutherfoord,BM Sabirov,G Sajot,A Santoro,L Sawyer,RD Schamberger,H Schellman,A Schwartzman,N Sen,E Shabalina,RK Shivpuri,D Shpakov,M Shupe,RA Sidwell,V Simak,H Singh,JB Singh,V Sirotenko,P Slattery,E Smith,RP Smith,R Snihur,GR Snow,J Snow,S Snyder,J Solomon,Y Song,V Sorin,M Sosebee,N Sotnikova,K Soustruznik,M Souza,NR Stanton,G Steinbruck,RW Stephens,F Stichelbaut,D Stoker,V Stolin,A Stone,DA Stoyanova,MA Strang,M Strauss,M Strovink,L Stutte,A Sznajder,M Talby,W Taylor,S Tentindo-Repond,SM Tripathi,TG Trippe,AS Turcot,PM Tuts,V Vaniev,R Van Kooten,N Varelas,LS Vertogradov,F Villeneuve-Seguier,AA Volkov,AP Vorobiev,HD Wahl,H Wang,ZM Wang,J Warchol,G Watts,M Wayne,H Weerts,A White,JT White,D Whiteson,DA Wijngaarden,S Willis,SJ Wimpenny,J Womersley,DR Wood,Q Xu,R Yamada,P Yamin,T Yasuda,YA Yatsunenko,K Yip,S Youssef,J Yu,Z Yu,M Zanabria,X Zhang,H Zheng,B Zhou,Z Zhou,M Zielinski,D Zieminska,A Zieminski,V Zutshi,EG Zverev,A Zylberstejn
IF: 4.95
Physics Letters B
Abstract:The central inclusive jet cross section has been measured using a successive-combination algorithm for reconstruction of jets. The measurement uses 87.3 pb(-1) of data collected with the DO detector at the Fermilab Tevatron p (p) over bar Collider during 1994-1995. The cross section, reported as a function of transverse momentum (p(T) > 60 GeV) in the central region of pseudorapidity (\eta\ < 0.5), exhibits reasonable agreement with next-to-leading order QCD predictions, except at low p(T) where the agreement is marginal. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.