Numerical methodology to model offshore systems composed of slender structures
Alfredo Gay Neto,Guilherme Rocha Martins,Giovanni Aiosa do Amaral,Guilherme Rosa Franzini
Archive of Applied Mechanics
Abstract:Subsea systems for oil exploitation and renewable offshore energy generally employ cables, hoses, risers, umbilical and power energy cables, mooring lines, among other slender components. From the global modeling perspective, all such "lines" can be well represented by classes of structural models according to phenomena of interest for each analysis—eg.: bending/torsion and/or tension/compression loads. In this context, one is frequently interested in static and dynamic effects. Moreover, geometric nonlinearities, hydrodynamic loads and contact with the seabed can play an important role. The present work proposes a general and robust numerical methodology able to establish and analyze complete offshore systems, composed of numerous lines attached to a floating unit. Catenary, lazy-wave, vertical, or other geometric configurations can be considered for each line. The initial guess for the system configuration is produced by a set of analytical solutions, considering a multi-segment extensible catenary formulation. This is implemented into an in-house numerical finite element framework, which models and solves the statics and dynamics of the system. We employ geometrically exact beam and truss models, handling all external loads of interest and contact interactions with the seabed. Case studies following the proposed methodology are exemplified, discussing details on modeling aspects, such as comparing results with other tools/methodologies.