Quantum Linear System Solvers: A Survey of Algorithms and Applications
Mauro E. S. Morales,Lirande Pira,Philipp Schleich,Kelvin Koor,Pedro C. S. Costa,Dong An,Lin Lin,Patrick Rebentrost,Dominic W. Berry
Abstract:Solving linear systems of equations plays a fundamental role in numerous computational problems from different fields of science. The widespread use of numerical methods to solve these systems motivates investigating the feasibility of solving linear systems problems using quantum computers. In this work, we provide a survey of the main advances in quantum linear systems algorithms, together with some applications. We summarize and analyze the main ideas behind some of the algorithms for the quantum linear systems problem in the literature. The analysis begins by examining the Harrow-Hassidim-Lloyd (HHL) solver. We note its limitations and reliance on computationally expensive quantum methods, then highlight subsequent research efforts which aimed to address these limitations and optimize runtime efficiency and precision via various paradigms. We focus in particular on the post-HHL enhancements which have paved the way towards optimal lower bounds with respect to error tolerance and condition number. By doing so, we propose a taxonomy that categorizes these studies. Furthermore, by contextualizing these developments within the broader landscape of quantum computing, we explore the foundational work that have inspired and informed their development, as well as subsequent refinements. Finally, we discuss the potential applications of these algorithms in differential equations, quantum machine learning, and many-body physics.
Quantum Physics