Gibbs Measures with Multilinear Forms
Sohom Bhattacharya,Nabarun Deb,Sumit Mukherjee
Abstract:In this paper, we study a class of multilinear Gibbs measures with Hamiltonian given by a generalized $\mathrm{U}$-statistic and with a general base measure. Expressing the asymptotic free energy as an optimization problem over a space of functions, we obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for replica-symmetry. Utilizing this, we obtain weak limits for a large class of statistics of interest, which includes the ''local fields/magnetization'', the Hamiltonian, the global magnetization, etc. An interesting consequence is a universal weak law for contrasts under replica symmetry, namely, $n^{-1}\sum_{i=1}^n c_i X_i\to 0$ weakly, if $\sum_{i=1}^n c_i=o(n)$. Our results yield a probabilistic interpretation for the optimizers arising out of the limiting free energy. We also prove the existence of a sharp phase transition point in terms of the temperature parameter, thereby generalizing existing results that were only known for quadratic Hamiltonians. As a by-product of our proof technique, we obtain exponential concentration bounds on local and global magnetizations, which are of independent interest.
Probability,Mathematical Physics,Combinatorics