Interlayer Restoration Deep Neural Network for Scalable High Efficiency Video Coding

Gang He,Li Xu,Jie Lei,Weiying Xie,Yunsong Li,Yibo Fan,Jinjia Zhou
IF: 5.859
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology
Abstract:This paper applies an interlayer restoration deep neural network (IRDNN) for scalable high efficiency video coding (SHVC) to improve visual quality and coding efficiency. It is the first time to combine deep neural network (DNN) and SHVC. Considering the coding architecture of SHVC, we elaborate a multi-frame and multi-layer neural network to restore the interlayer of SHVC by utilizing both the adjacent reconstructed frames of the base layer (BL) and enhancement layer (EL). Moreover, we analyze the temporal motion relationship of frames in one layer and the compression degradation relationship of frames between different layers, and propose the synergistic mechanism of motion restoration and compression restoration in our IRDNN. The network can generate an interlayer with higher quality serving for the EL coding and thus enhance the coding efficiency. A large-scale and various-quality-degradation dataset is self-made for the task of interlayer restoration of SHVC. The experimental results show that with our implementation on SHVC, the EL Bj <span class="mjpage"><svg xmlns:xlink="" width="3.4ex" height="2.509ex" style="vertical-align: -0.671ex; margin-left: -0.089ex;" viewBox="-38.5 -791.3 1464 1080.4" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns=""><g stroke="currentColor" fill="currentColor" stroke-width="0" transform="matrix(1 0 0 -1 0 0)"> <use xlink:href="#MJMATHI-70" x="0" y="0"></use> <use xlink:href="#MJMATHI-68" x="503" y="0"></use> <use xlink:href="#MJMATHI-69" x="1080" y="0"></use></g></svg></span> ntegaard delta bit-rate (BD-BR) reduction is 9.291% and 6.007% in signal-to-noise ratio scalability and spatial scalability, respectively. The code is available at<svg xmlns="" style="display: none;"><defs id="MathJax_SVG_glyphs"><path stroke-width="1" id="MJMATHI-70" d="M23 287Q24 290 25 295T30 317T40 348T55 381T75 411T101 433T134 442Q209 442 230 378L240 387Q302 442 358 442Q423 442 460 395T497 281Q497 173 421 82T249 -10Q227 -10 210 -4Q199 1 187 11T168 28L161 36Q160 35 139 -51T118 -138Q118 -144 126 -145T163 -148H188Q194 -155 194 -157T191 -175Q188 -187 185 -190T172 -194Q170 -194 161 -194T127 -193T65 -192Q-5 -192 -24 -194H-32Q-39 -187 -39 -183Q-37 -156 -26 -148H-6Q28 -147 33 -136Q36 -130 94 103T155 350Q156 355 156 364Q156 405 131 405Q109 405 94 377T71 316T59 280Q57 278 43 278H29Q23 284 23 287ZM178 102Q200 26 252 26Q282 26 310 49T356 107Q374 141 392 215T411 325V331Q411 405 350 405Q339 405 328 402T306 393T286 380T269 365T254 350T243 336T235 326L232 322Q232 321 229 308T218 264T204 212Q178 106 178 102Z"></path><path stroke-width="1" id="MJMATHI-68" d="M137 683Q138 683 209 688T282 694Q294 694 294 685Q294 674 258 534Q220 386 220 383Q220 381 227 388Q288 442 357 442Q411 442 444 415T478 336Q478 285 440 178T402 50Q403 36 407 31T422 26Q450 26 474 56T513 138Q516 149 519 151T535 153Q555 153 555 145Q555 144 551 130Q535 71 500 33Q466 -10 419 -10H414Q367 -10 346 17T325 74Q325 90 361 192T398 345Q398 404 354 404H349Q266 404 205 306L198 293L164 158Q132 28 127 16Q114 -11 83 -11Q69 -11 59 -2T48 16Q48 30 121 320L195 616Q195 629 188 632T149 637H128Q122 643 122 645T124 664Q129 683 137 683Z"></path><path stroke-width="1" id="MJMATHI-69" d="M184 600Q184 624 203 642T247 661Q265 661 277 649T290 619Q290 596 270 577T226 557Q211 557 198 567T184 600ZM21 287Q21 295 30 318T54 369T98 420T158 442Q197 442 223 419T250 357Q250 340 236 301T196 196T154 83Q149 61 149 51Q149 26 166 26Q175 26 185 29T208 43T235 78T260 137Q263 149 265 151T282 153Q302 153 302 143Q302 135 293 112T268 61T223 11T161 -11Q129 -11 102 10T74 74Q74 91 79 106T122 220Q160 321 166 341T173 380Q173 404 156 404H154Q124 404 99 371T61 287Q60 286 59 284T58 281T56 279T53 278T49 278T41 278H27Q21 284 21 287Z"></path></defs></svg>
engineering, electrical & electronic
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