Performance Evaluation of Transmission Mode Selection in D2D communication
Iacovos Ioannou,Christophoros Christophorou,Vasos Vassiliou,Andreas Pitsillides
Abstract:Device to Device (D2D) Communication is expected to be a core part of the forthcoming 5G Mobile Communication Networks as it promises improvements in energy efficiency, spectral efficiency, overall system capacity, and higher data rates with the use of the same frequencies for different D2D transmissions in short communication distances within the Cell. However, in order to achieve optimum results, it is important, among others, to select wisely the Transmission Mode of the D2D Device. Towards this end, our previous work proposed an intelligent Transmission mode selection approach in a framework that is utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) BDIx agents to collectively satisfy the D2D challenges in a Distributed Artificial Intelligent (DAI) manner autonomously and independently. In this paper, as a first step, a literature review focused on related Transmission mode approaches, is performed. Then, our investigated Transmission mode selection approach is further explained with formulas and evaluated based on different threshold values and investigated how these can affect the overall spectral efficiency and power usage of the network in order to achieve the maximum performance. The investigated thresholds(i.e. D2D Device Weighted Data Rate (WDR) and the D2D Device Battery Power Level) and metrics(i.e. WDR) are also further analyzed and formulated. In addition, the effect the transmission power of the D2D links has on the total spectral efficiency and total power consumption of the network, is also examined. This evaluation results arise some interesting findings that can contribute in other approaches that utilized similar or same thresholds. Also, the results obtained demonstrate that with the right tuning of the thresholds and transmission power, one can achieve a significant improvement in the network power usage and total spectral efficiency.
Networking and Internet Architecture