The List Square Coloring Conjecture fails for bipartite planar graphs and their line graphs
Morteza Hasanvand
Abstract:Kostochka and Woodall (2001) conjectured that the square of every graph has the same chromatic number and list chromatic number. In 2015 Kim and Park disproved this conjecture for non-bipartite and bipartite graphs. It was asked by several authors whether this conjecture holds for bipartite graphs with small degrees, claw-free graphs, or line graphs. In this paper, we introduce cubic counterexamples to this conjecture to solve three open problems posed by Kim and Park~(2015), Kim, Kwon, and Park~(2015), and Dai, Wang, Yang, and Yu~(2018). In particular, we disprove a planar version of this conjecture proposed by Havet, Heuvel, McDiarmid, and Reed (2017).
Moreover, we formulated a revised version for this conjecture in bipartite graphs $G$ by imposing the condition $\chi(G^2) \ge \frac{1}{2} \Delta(G^2)+1$, where $G^2$ denotes the square of $G$ and the other two parameter denote its chromatic number and maximum degree. This new version still implies the List Total Coloring Conjecture. On the other hand, we introduce a family of counterexamples obtained from line graphs $L(G)$ of bipartite planar graphs $G$ with sufficiently large maximum degree satisfying $\chi(L(G)^2) \ge \frac{1}{2} \Delta(L(G)^2)$+n, where $n$ is a sufficiently large integer.
Finally, we investigate non-chromatic-choosable graphs with bounded maximum degree in bipartite and planar graphs. Consequently, we improve a result due to Bessy, Havet, and Palaysi (2002) and strengthen a result due to Glebov, Kostochka, and Tashkinov~(2005). In addition, we characterize non-chromatic-choosable graphs of order at most $9$ and settle a question posed by Nelsen~(2019).