Design Technique for Load-Sharing and Monitoring of a Power Plant Using an Intelligent Control Technique
Kindjock J. J.
International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology
Abstract:Abstract: The application of Data Technology (IT) has been growing rapidly recently. IT utilized to monitor flowing power and distributing electrical energy which is produced by thermal power plant. This project explains how to build and design interface system. Electrical energy needs to be monitored in order to keep energy following. Single Board Computer (SBC), microcontroller, sensors, and transceivers are used in logging electrical power for this project. Following to the reliable need of an efficient power supply and the concern about poor electricity power supply, deregulation, consistent overload on already existing overstressed power supply system which has become a major concern to the social economic needs. The study case system generating capacity consist of 10 units of 2000KVA (20,000VA) = 16000W for power factor of 0.8 which is tied to the exiting load demand of 30MW capacity. Research identity mischarge between the generating capacity and the load demand requirement. That the generator can only a total load capacity of 15MW at one engagement on rationalization and subsequently take the next 15MW capacity to the generator supply. This sequence of operation has put the study zone into regular percentage (blackout) there by negatively affecting the economy activities of the area. This research work has proposed for an additional capacity of 2000 KVA (20 MVA =16 MW) generating power plant for a giving power factor of 0.8 on the view to notice the existing total load of 30MW without any form of rationalization and percentage (blackout) in order to improve the power quality and voltage profile without problem in the day-to-day occurrence activities. The concern for poor power grid supply in the study case (Bertoua community) for the given load of about 16M capacity are taken due consideration with 2MWW capacity thermal power plant on the view to propose solution to improve the quality of energy supply to the Bertoua community and environ. The system is designed with electronic circuitry that can be used to sense/monitor voltage, current, frequency, temperature, pressure and cool level. The design system is modeled in proteus and matrix laboratory (MATLAB) Environment with the application of isochronous mode of control with (10 unit of 2000kVA thermal plant. The improved mode of control (Isochronous technique) was preferred over droop type of generator load sharing techniques, because the improved versus allows and maintained constants speed and frequency regardless of gradual building up of the load to the peak demand scenarios. The modeled Simulink block are configured as an intelligent system multiple generators set in parallel state to monitor and control the gradual load increase from consumer-end to the generators capacity of 2mVA thermal power plant in order to allow load of 1×2000kVA, 2×2000kVA, 3×2000kVA, 4×2000kVA, 5×2000kVA, 6×2000kVA, 7×2000kVA, 8×2000kVA, 9×2000kVA, 10×2000kVA. Since the control system will become an essential factor for reliability of power plants and electrical distribution networks consumption and electric utility at large on the view to investigate appropriate load sharing and balancing, load scheduling, load forecasting, fuel-consumption pattern, optimizing generation capacity in order to optimize energy saving, costsaving and performance. Keywords: Load-Sharing, Monitoring