Chiral quantum optics in broken-symmetry and topological photonic crystal waveguides

Nils Valentin Hauff,Hanna Le Jeannic,Peter Lodahl,Stephen Hughes,and Nir Rotenberg
Physical Review Research
Abstract:On-chip chiral quantum light-matter interfaces, which support directional interactions, provide a promising platform for efficient spin-photon coupling, nonreciprocal photonic elements, and quantum logic architectures. We present full-wave three-dimensional calculations to quantify the performance of conventional and topological photonic crystal waveguides as chiral emitter-photon interfaces. Specifically, the ability of these structures to support and enhance directional interactions while suppressing subsequent backscattering losses is quantified. Broken symmetry waveguides, such as the nontopological glide-plane waveguide and topological bearded interface waveguide are found to act as efficient chiral interfaces, with the topological waveguide modes allowing for operation at significantly higher Purcell enhancement factors. Finally, although all structures suffer from backscattering losses due to fabrication imperfections, these are found to be smaller at high enhancement factors for the topological waveguide. These reduced losses occur because the optical mode is pushed away from the air-dielectric interfaces where scattering occurs, and not because of any topological protection. These results are important to the understanding of light-matter interactions in topological photonic crystal and design of efficient, on-chip chiral quantum devices. Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article's title, journal citation, and DOI. Published by the American Physical Society
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