Artificial Intelligence, AI literacy, Digital literacy, AI literacy scale
Celalettin ÇELEBİ,Fatih YILMAZ,Uğur DEMİR,Ferhat KARAKUŞ
Öğretim Teknolojisi ve Hayat Boyu Öğrenme Dergisi - Instructional Technology and Lifelong Learning
Abstract:The purpose of this research is to adapt the Artificial Intelligence Literacy Scale (AILS) developed by Wang et al. (2022) into Turkish and study its validity and reliability. The scale aims to measure the artificial intelligence literacy levels of non-expert adults. The research data were gathered from 402 participants, and the researchers did Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) to test the validity of the adapted scale, and to test the reliability, they adopted Cronbach’s alpha technique. The adapted scale consists of 12 items and 4 factors, as is the case in the original version. CFA results indicate that X^2/df =1.82, RMSEA = 0.04, RMR = 0.03, NFI = 0.95, CFI = 0.98, GFI = 0.96 and AGFI = 0.94. Considering CFA results, it is concluded that the adapted scale is a good fit. As for reliability, as far as the factors are concerned, the internal consistency results are 0.72, 0.74, 0.76, and 0.72, respectively. Additionally, α=0.85 for the whole scale. Consideringly, the scale and its factors are adequately reliable, and the adapted scale can be used in Turkish culture.