Nurses as UN champions: Increasing nursing presence and influence at the United Nations
Kasey Bellegarde-Armstrong,Teddie Potter
Abstract:Background: Representing half of the global health workforce, nurses are critical to health promotion, disease prevention, and the economic and social needs of populations. However, nursing expertise is underutilized in the UN System, and nurses are underprepared for roles in policy to influence global health and sustainable development. Innovative education strategies are necessary to address the sidelining of nursing expertise in these spaces and build nursing literacy in shaping global policy. Aim: This quality improvement project aimed to develop and evaluate a model to build a USA-based school of nursing's literacy and engagement with the United Nations (UN) System. Methods: A Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) student developed an innovative educational model, the United Nations Essentials for Global Nursing Leadership, in partnership with a school of nursing (SON), to build faculty knowledge and skills on initiating and sustaining bidirectional engagement with the UN. In 2023, SON faculty piloted the model, and pre-/post-intervention survey data were utilized for improvement. Results: Participants reported increased knowledge, awareness, and confidence related to the UN System and their ability to engage as policy influencers, health diplomats, and global citizens. In total, 100% of participants volunteered to hold the role of UN champion for the SON. Discussion: This innovative model advances nursing knowledge and coherence in the UN System and key areas of policy, diplomacy, and global governance for meaningful UN engagement. CONCLUSION AND IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING, HEALTH, AND SOCIAL POLICY: Models that invest in closing the global nursing leadership preparation gap can raise the profession's visible UN presence and strategic policy influence at a critical time for people and the planet.