Successive opening of the Fermi surface in doped N-leg Hubbard ladders
Urs Ledermann,Karyn Le Hur,T.M. Rice
Abstract:We study the effect of doping away from half-filling in weakly (but finitely) interacting N-leg Hubbard ladders using renormalization group and bosonization techniques. For a small on-site repulsion U, the N-leg Hubbard ladders are equivalent to a N-band model, where at half-filling the Fermi velocities are v_{1}=v_{N}<v_{2}=v_{N-1}<... We then obtain a hierarchy of energy-scales, where the band pairs (j,N+1-j) are successively frozen out. The low-energy Hamiltonian is then the sum of N/2 (or (N-1)/2 for N odd) two-leg ladder Hamiltonians without gapless excitations (plus a single chain for N odd with one gapless spin mode), similar to the N-leg Heisenberg spin-ladders. The energy-scales lead to a hierarchy of gaps. Upon doping away from half-filling, the holes enter first the band(s) with the smallest gap: For odd N, the holes enter first the nonbonding band (N+1)/2 and the phase is a Luttinger liquid, while for even N, the holes enter first the band pair (N/2,N/2+1) and the phase is a Luther-Emery liquid, similar to numerical treatments of the t-J model, i.e., at and close to half-filling, the phases of the Hubbard ladders for small and large U are the same. For increasing doping, hole-pairs subsequently enter at critical dopings the other band pairs (j,N+1-j) (accompanied by a diverging compressibility): The Fermi surface is successively opened by doping, starting near the wave vector (pi/2,pi/2). Explicit calculations are given for the cases N=3,4.
Strongly Correlated Electrons