Observation of anomalous information scrambling in a Rydberg atom array
Xinhui Liang,Zongpei Yue,Yu-Xin Chao,Zhen-Xing Hua,Yige Lin,Meng Khoon Tey,Li You
Abstract:Quantum information scrambling, which describes the propagation and effective loss of local information, is crucial for understanding the dynamics of quantum many-body systems. In general, a typical interacting system would thermalize under time evolution, leading to the emergence of ergodicity and linear lightcones of information scrambling. Whereas, for a many-body localized system, strong disorders give rise to an extensive number of conserved quantities that prevent the system from thermalization, resulting in full ergodicity breaking and a logarithmic lightcone for information spreading. Here, we report the experimental observation of anomalous information scrambling in an atomic tweezer array. Working in the Rydberg blockade regime, where van der Waals interaction dominates, we observe a suppressed linear lightcone of information spreading characterized by out-of-time-order correlators for the initial Néel state, accompanied by persistent oscillations within the lightcone. Such an anomalous dynamics differs from both generic thermal and many-body localized scenarios. It originates from weak ergodicity breaking and is the characteristic feature for quantum many-body scars. The high-quality single-atom manipulations and coherent constraint dynamics, augmented by the effective protocol for time-reversed evolution we demonstrate, establish a versatile hybrid analog-digital simulation approach to explore diverse exotic non-equilibrium dynamics with atomic tweezer arrays.
Quantum Physics,Quantum Gases,Atomic Physics