The importance of universal psychological needs for understanding motivation in the workplace

Edward L Deci, Richard M Ryan
Abstract:One of the key propositions of self-determination theory is that human beings have deeply evolved psychological needs to be competent, autonomous, and related to others, such that in contexts where these needs are satisfied people evidence more volitional, high-quality motivation and greater well-being, and when these psychological needs are thwarted people display various forms of diminished motivation and more symptoms of ill-being. This chapter addresses how the self-determination-theory concept of basic psychological needs differs from the needs concepts in other psychological and management theories; provides empirical evidence for the validity of our approach; relates need satisfaction to autonomous motivation and controlled motivation; explains how need satisfaction versus thwarting affects engagement and effective performance; examines how social environments, personality characteristics, and people’s long-term goals affect satisfaction versus thwarting of their basic psychological needs; and discusses the relevance of these issues for management.
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