Implementation of Continuous Improvement (CI) in the Management of KKNI UIN Saizu Purwokerto Curriculum through the PPEPP Model
,Inten Mustika K,Rohmad Rohmad,,Abdulloh Hasan,,Nur Anisa Setyaningrum,
International Journal of Social Science and Human Research
Abstract:This study aims to analyze the management of the KKNI curriculum implemented at UIN Saizu Purwokerto and whether it has met continuous improvement (CI) with the model set out in SPMI, namely PPEPP which consists of curriculum determination, curriculum implementation, curriculum implementation evaluation, curriculum implementation control and curriculum improvement. This research is field research with a qualitative paradigm by exploring data from data sources of curriculum documents KKNI UIN Saizu Purwokerto and interview results from deputy Dean I for academic and learning affairs. The data were analyzed by qualitative descriptive analysis. The results of this study showed that the management of the KKNI curriculum at UIN Saizu Purwokerto applies the PPEPP model to meet continuous improvement (CI), especially in the process approach and system approach. Curriculum determination through the stages of preparing the drafting team, needs analysis, graduate profiles, learning outcomes, study materials, courses, credit weights, curriculum structure, curriculum draft review, and curriculum determination. The implementation of the curriculum includes the management of learning, courses, educators/lecturers, and education staff. Curriculum evaluation is carried out by formative evaluation and summative evaluation. Curriculum control is grouped into the control of faculties and universities as education providers. The curriculum development of UIN Saizu Purwokerto is carried out by looking at the fulfillment of analysis on graduate profiles, SKL CPL, course determination, course changes, content/topic/theme, depth of study, weight of credits, and distribution of courses.