Nonlinear Physics-model-based Actuator Trajectory Optimization for Advanced Scenario Planning in the DIII-D Tokamak
Justin Barton,Wenyu Shi,Eugenio Schuster,Tim C. Luce,J.R. Ferron,Michael L. Walker,David Humphreys,Francesca Turco,Robert D. Johnson,Ben G. Penaflor
IFAC Proceedings Volumes
Abstract:Abstract Extensive research has been conducted to find operating scenarios that optimize the plasma performance in nuclear fusion tokamak devices with the goal of enabling the success of the ITER project. The development, or planning, of these advanced scenarios is traditionally investigated experimentally by modifying the tokamak's actuator trajectories, such as the auxiliary heating/current-drive (H&CD) scheme, and analyzing the resulting plasma evolution. In this work, a numerical optimization algorithm is developed to complement the experimental effort of advanced scenario planning in the DIII-D tokamak. Two properties related to the plasma stability and performance are the safety factor profile ( q -profile) and the normalized plasma beta ( β N ). The optimization algorithm goal is to design actuator trajectories that steer the plasma to a target q -profile and plasma β N , such that the achieved state is stationary in time, subject to the plasma dynamics (described by a physics-based, nonlinear, control-oriented partial differential equation model) and practical plasma state and actuator constraints, such as the maximum available amount of H&CD power. This defines a nonlinear, constrained optimization problem that we solve by employing sequential quadratic programming. The optimized trajectories are then tested through simulation with the physics-based model and experimentally in DIII-D.