Congenital Alopecia Areata: Another Case
F. Bardazzi,I. Neri,B. Raone,A. Patrizi
Abstract:Although alopecia areata (AA) is commonly observed in childhood, it is rare in infants [1–3] and it has been reported only once in newborns [3]. We report a second case in a premature newborn. The patient, a healthy female weighing only 1,600 g, was born after 33 weeks of uneventful gestation with a normal delivery. At birth, she exhibited an alopecic area in the right parietal region in the absence of any sign of injury or inflammation. The patch was oval, 2 cm in diameter, with sharply defined edges and without scaling. A few exclamation mark hairs were present (fig. 1). The pull test on the surrounding areas did not detach any hair. The remaining skin, mucosae and nails were apparently normal. Neither the parents nor the other members of her family reported any episode of AA. The mother denied taking any kind of drugs during the pregnancy. A scalp biopsy was refused by the parents. The patient was treated with a placebo lotion and 3 months later, good, though still incomplete, hair growth was observed (fig. 2). Our patient reminds us of the case reported by De Viragh et al. [3], sharing the prematurity and the absence of any sign of injury and inflammation, which excludes post-traumatic labor or obstetric alopecia, and the same parietal location. The 2 cases, however, differ in that in the patient of De Viragh et al. [3] the patch was very large and remained unchanged for 1 year with only a slow response to a long and complex medical treatment. In contrast, our patient underwent rapid spontaneous regrowth. Traditionally, the presence of an alopecic area at birth rules out the diagnosis of AA, considered to be an acquired condition. For this reason, other congenital conditions have been considered. They include triangular alopecia, aplasia cutis, congenital sebaceous or aplastic or psiloliparus naevi, cystic lesions with underlying brain malformation (meningocele, encephalocele, ectopic meningeal tissue). In addition, patchy alopecia as a sign of complex syndromes, i.e. Adams-Oliver syndrome, Hallermann-Streiff syndrome, or trisomy 13, was considered. All these diagnoses were easily excluded. A congenital patchy alopecia located in the posterior parietal zone very similar to that of our patient has been reported by Rudolph [4]. The alopecic patch was supposedly located over the part of the brain which grows most rapidly from about 16 to19 weeks of gestation. Unfortunately, Rudolph [4] did not report its prevalence in newborns, its association with an underlying brain malformation and its evolution. In our patient, on the basis of the clinical data and especially the hair regrowth, the diagnosis of congenital AA was made. Although a first episode of AA in early childhood is regarded as a poor prognostic factor [5], its prognosis and significance remains enigmatic due to the lack of data on this rare condition. References 1 Muller SA, Winkelmann RR: Alopecia areata: An evaluation of 736 patients. Arch Dermatol 1963;88:290–297. 2 Bentivoglio GC: Un caso di alopecia areata in un lattante. Pediatria 1926; 34:952–960. 3 De Viragh PA, Gianadda B, Levy ML: Congenital alopecia areata. Dermatology 1997;195:96–98. 4 Rudolph AJ: Dermatology and perinatal infection; in Atlas of the Newborn. London, Decker Hamilton, 1997, p 33. 5 Tosti A, De Padova MP, Minghetti G, Veronesi S: Therapy versus placebo in the treatment of patchy alopecia areata. J Am Acad Dermatol 1986;15: 209–210.