A BibliometricAnalysis of Chinese Ecological and Environmental Researchon Urbanization
LI Jun,DONG Suocheng,LI Zehong,WAN Yongkun,MAO Qiliang,HUANG Yongbing,WANG Fei
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5814/j.issn.1674-764x.2014.03.003
Journal of Resources and Ecology
Abstract:Based onanurbanization researchdatabase, a bibliometric analysis of Chineseecological environmentalresearchon urbanization wasconducted that examinedoutput, focused ifelds, topics, theories and methods. Results show thatresearchoutputin this ifeld has been increasing since 2005. Land and industry ifelds in resource research, economics in ecological research,andclimate and urban environments in environmental research have been studied from 1992–2011. Keywords analysis discovered that“Land Use” and“Heat Island Effect” were majorkeywords, making up 0.15% and 0.09% of the total frequency, respectively.“HeatIsland Effect” and“Climate Change” were themost recent popularkeywords. Main theorieswere derivedfrom ecology, mathematics, resourceenvironmental economics and environmental science. Ecologicalfootprint has beenacore theory since 2002.The stochastic impacts by regression on population, aflfuence and technology model (STIRPAT), Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC), andslope, land use map, excluded area, urban area, transportation map and hilside areamodel (SLEUTH) arethe latestpopulartheories. During 1992–2011, themainresearchmethods canbe divided into four groups: statistics (65.17%), systems (13.11%), mechanisms (11.79%) and evaluation (9.93%).Grey System Analysis from system methods and rescaled range (R/S) analysis from evaluation are the latest popular methods. Topics from macro subifelds, including land use, heat island effects, water resources and theagricultural ecological environment receivedmore attention thanmicro subifelds such as urban environmental health problems. Asurbanization problems evolve,resource environmental economic comprehensive models will advance with modeling progressand some models,such as STIRPAT and land use change simulation models, wil bedeveloped for evaluation and simulation oftheecological environmental impacts of Chineseurbanization.