Nutrient Composition of Donor Human Milk and Comparisons to Preterm Human Milk
Amy Gates,Amy B Hair,Ariel A Salas,Amy B Thompson,Brian K Stansfield
Abstract:Background: Human milk is the preferred diet for very low birth weight (VLBW, <1500 g) infants. When mother's own milk is unable to meet the needs of VLBW infants, donor human milk (DHM) is the preferred alternative. Unfortunately, the composition of DHM remains elusive and no comparative studies between preterm human milk and DHM have been performed previously. Objectives: We aimed to analyze the nutrient content of commercial pooled DHM and compare nutrient content in DHM with that of early and mature preterm human milk. Methods: We analyzed nutrient content in 15 DHM samples provided from 7 commercial milk banks including calories, carbohydrate, fat, protein, sodium, chloride, potassium, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and vitamin D and compared each nutrient to early (7 d of life) and mature (28 d of life) preterm human milk samples (n = 28-36 per nutrient, gestational age = 28 ± 3 wk). Protein-to-energy ratio and carbohydrate-to-nonprotein energy ratio were calculated for each sample and compared. Results: Mean values for all macro- and micronutrients in DHM are reported. In comparison to early or mature preterm human milk, DHM had significantly lower protein, sodium, chloride, potassium, and zinc content. Calorie, carbohydrate, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and vitamin D content did not differ statistically between DHM and early or mature preterm human milk. Fat content was modestly lower in early but not mature human milk when compared with DHM. Conclusions: We provide mean values for several macro- and micronutrients for DHM and identify key differences between DHM and preterm human milk, which may be considered when designing human milk-based feeding plans. This study was registered at as NCT05742815.