White Paper on Leading-Edge technology And Feasibility-directed (LEAF) Program aimed at readiness demonstration for Energy Frontier Circular Colliders by the next decade
G. Ambrosio,G. Apollinari,M. Baldini,R. Carcagno,C. Boffo,B. Claypool,S. Feher,S. Hays,D. Hoang,V. Kashikhin,S. Krave,M. Kufer,J. Lee,V. Lombardo,V. Marinozzi,F. Nobrega,X. Peng,H. Piekarz,V. Shiltsev,S. Stoynev,T. Strauss,N. Tran,G. Velev,X. Xu,A. Zlobin,K. Amm,M. Anerella,A. Ben Yahia,R. Gupta,P. Joshi,B. Parker,J. Schmalzle,P. Ferracin,I. Pong,S. Prestemon,X. Wang,G. Sabbi,T. Shen,L. Cooley,J. Rochester,V.V. Kashikhin,M.D. Sumption
DOI: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2203.07654
Accelerator Physics
Abstract:In this White Paper for the Snowmass 2021 Process, we propose the establishment of a magnet Leading-Edge technology And Feasibility-directed Program (LEAF Program) to achieve readiness for a future collider decision on the timescale of the next decade. The LEAF Program would rely on, and be synergetic with, generic R&D efforts presently covered - in the US - by the Magnet Development Program (MDP), the Conductor Procurement and R&D (CPRD) Program and other activities in the Office of HEP supported by Early Career Awards (ECA) or Lab Directed R&D (LDRD) funds. Where possible, ties to synergetic efforts in other Offices of DOE or NSF are highlighted and suggested as wider Collaborative efforts on the National scale. International efforts are also mentioned as potential partners in the LEAF Program. We envision the LEAF Program to concentrate on demonstrating the feasibility of magnets for muon colliders as well as next generation high energy hadron colliders, pursuing, where necessary and warranted by the nature of the application, the transition from R&D models to long models/prototypes. The LEAF Program will naturally drive accelerator-quality and experiment-interface design considerations. LEAF will also concentrate, where necessary, on cost reduction and/or industrialization steps.