Finland Pioneers International Suicide Prevention
J. Wilson
IF: 39.2
Annals of Internal Medicine
Abstract:Many of Finland's suicide researchers work in a modular glass and concrete building just outside the center of Helsinki. It houses the National Research and Development Center for Welfare and Health. The new building has created some controversy among the staff not only because it is painted the color of bright-green grass but also because a look down from the top floor of the 8-story building reveals a dizzying spiral of stairs leading all the way to the ground floor. How could they build a place like this for suicide researchers to work? Nothing bad has happened yet, but I worry. Someone could jump at any time, said psychologist Maila Upanne, PhD, peering down. In Finland, a country that has long suffered one of the highest rates of suicide in the world, Upanne's fears are hardly immaterial. If you're studying suicide, you've come to the right place, Upanne said. Certain mainstays of life in Finland seem to contribute to suicide. Finland is located high north on the globe, where a few months of almost total darkness and icy cold occur each year. Life can be particularly isolated in Finland's sparsely populated rural towns, which have experienced a dramatic loss of population as young people embraced industrialization over agrarian life. In addition, Finnish people share a history of political repression and recent periods of severe economic recession. Despite these factors, the reasons for the country's high suicide rates remain mostly a mystery. Finnish researchers say that rates of depression, alcoholism, and psychiatric disorders are close to the international average and are not to blame. Neither are two key risk factors in the United Statesguns, which are not easily accessible, and drug addiction, which is almost unheard of. Suicide rates peaked in 1990, when about 50 Finnish men per 100000 committed suicide. Rates had been notably high for most of the 20th century, but this represented a more than 50% increase in male suicides in Finland since 1950. The international average was considerably lower at approximately 20 per 100000, about the same rate as in the United States. By 1990, the Finnish health care system had already recognized suicide as a national crisis, and it wanted to reverse the upward trend. In 1987, it launched the National Suicide Prevention Project. This ambitious program extended suicide research and prevention efforts throughout the entire country. It was the first comprehensive effort of its kind anywhere. Finland had a lot in its favor when it came to organizing a national health campaign: a relatively small population of just over 5 million, a centralized, state-run health care system, 96% countrywide membership in the Lutheran church, a national public school system, and mandatory military service for 18-year-old men. These homogenous elements of Finnish society provided a cohesive environment in which to develop and implement the suicide prevention program, as did the widespread participation of psychologists, psychiatrists, family doctors, nurses, social workers, police officers, and religious groups involved in social work. Approximately 100000 professionals agreed to participate in the prevention program, about half of those who were invited. Despite the government's commitment and the willingness of the professional community, it was by no means evident that a prevention program could be successful. Suicide was considered a fact of life, and most people thought that there was nothing that you could do about it, said Upanne, who led the program through the National Research and Development Center for Welfare and Health and is still working to measure its effects, although the program officially ended in 1997. Despite the doubts, however, the decade-long countrywide project shares some of the credit for reducing suicides in Finland. Recent data show that after the peak in 1990, suicides dropped by about one third among Finnish men to 32.4 per 100000 in 2002. The suicide rate among women remained mostly steady at about 10 women per 100000. Today, many effects of the program appear to remain strong throughout Finnish societytreatment for depression and alcoholism is on the rise, and the general public considers suicide a less taboo subject. Still, the suicide researchers in Finland and elsewhere are dogged by the fact that concrete, scientifically based prevention strategies remain elusive. Focusing the Treatment Model on Prevention In crafting their suicide prevention strategy, Upanne and colleagues combined input from practitioners in the field with the findings from research on 1397 suicides committed in Finland in 1987. They created a booklet describing the fundamental issues surrounding suicide, including how to identify people with risk factors, how to reach out to those at risk, how to recommend treatment, and how to raise awareness among family and friends. They distributed the booklet throughout the country and sponsored programs to raise awareness among people, such as physicians, nurses, teachers, police officers, and church leaders, who come in regular contact with potential at-risk individuals. Their most important advice was to take early signs of self-destructive behavior seriously and to always consider the possibility of suicide among people with mental disorders. There are so many occasions where physicians and others can recognize even small signs. It's possible to do more prevention than they might think, and it's worthwhile to try, Upanne said. They also advised health and welfare workers to pay close attention to the well-being of patients with chronic illness or disability, who may be depressed but do not acknowledge it. One of the key challenges of suicide prevention is identifying at-risk individuals before the fact, a preventive effort that goes against the typical medical treatment model, Upanne said. Asking about depression and suicide should be as routine as checking for hypertension or diabetes, and physicians should consider addressing these issues directly with patients. When we work with patients, we have to ask about depression. We have to ask about suicide. We have to ask concrete questions about the methods and timing planned. We just have to do it, said Sami Pirkola, MD, PhD, a Finnish expert on alcohol and suicide at the National Research and Development Center for Welfare and Health in Helsinki. Finnish research found that patients who are feeling suicidal are likely to admit their feelings when pressed by their physician, but they seldom volunteer this information. Because the highest rates of suicide are among young people 15 to 24 years of age, especially young men, the program leaders focused most of their efforts on this group. They launched suicide awareness programs in the school system and through church youth groups. The military, which evaluates all 18-year-old men as part of the national Finnish draft, also received instructions on the identification and referral of at-risk youths. The program leaders also tried to train the media on appropriate suicide reporting so that suicides did not receive sensational coverage that might encourage copycat suicides. The program leaders also promoted the importance of social support, something that may be particularly lacking in Finland, where silence seems to be a part of the national character. It's not unusual to see coworkers sit together through lunch at a caf in complete silence, for instance. A walk through the streets of Helsinki finds it oddly quiet for a metropolitan city, even with its traffic and busy work culture. (It is noteworthy, however, that the popularity of the mobile phone in Finland appears to have encouraged somewhat freer communication.) Compliments are not commonly offered or expected, and Finnish culture values self-reliance. To facilitate an environment more conducive to social support, health care workers organized support groups for people with depression or alcohol problems. Several research results have confirmed that social support is a very powerful tool between people. Loneliness and emptiness are very common, and social support creates the feeling that others are on your side. Sensitivity and caring are demanded, and it may not be as available here as it should be, Upanne said. The ideal treatment plan for patients who appear at risk for depression or suicide is a combination of psychotherapy and antidepressant drugs, along with social support, according to Jouko Lnnqvist, MD, PhD, a psychiatrist at the University of Tampere in Finland and director of the department of mental health and alcohol research at the National Public Health Institute in Helsinki. But even simply taking antidepressant medication may improve patient well-being, he added. The key is arranging immediate care to at risk patients to alleviate their suicidal ideation. It used to be that doctors believed that some people would commit suicide no matter what was done, but suicide is seldom a rational act, and it is usually carried out during irrational thinking. While all suicides cannot be prevented, on an individual level, we have to think that they can be, Lnnqvist said. A Groundbreaking Psychological Autopsy Study One of the program's lasting accomplishments was research on all of the suicides that took place in the country during the course of 1 year, 1987. Researchers spent thousands of hours completing psychological autopsy reports on 1397 suicides. To understand the circumstances of the deaths, they collected medical, social services, and police records and talked with the friends, families, and employers of people who committed suicide. Because the sample size is much larger than that in any other suicide study, this study is considered particularly meaningful. Here are some of the findings from the more than 100 scientific articles generated from the research: The major risk factors for suicide, in order of importance, were depression, personality disorders (including antisocial a