Gymnastics and sports in fin-de-siècle France: opium of the classes?
E. Weber
Abstract:Despite Huizinga's classic essay, the distance between hlomo sapiens and homo ludens seems to growv no smnaller. The strange suspicion, or even antipathy, that men of pen and sttudy still show for r-esearch in the more vulgar manifestations of physical activity deserves a sttudy in itself. While wve awvait a dissertation on stuclh a promising topic, this disinclination leaves Us ill inforined on activities that lhave alwvays taken uip a good deal of public attention-not least in the past centuiry. Grandfather clocks, balloons, and potatoes have benefitted fromn historical sttudies that games and sports still lack. journalists, psychologists, sociologists, and sportsmen themselves have written about sport; hiistorians have paid it only incidental attention. To be specific, no professional historian seems to have traced the cat's cradle of athletic activities r-ising and spreading in France in the last (juarter of the nineteentlh century. Significantly, Antoine Prost's excellent Enseignement en France, [0Soo-g967 (Paris, 1968) ignores the topic, wvrhile the 268 pages of Pauil Gerbod's Vie Qnotidienne darts les lyc'es et colleges ali XIX' siecle (Paris, i( 68) devote nine lines to gymnnastics and none to otlher exercises. Yet physical exercise and the role that nmen attribtute to it, tllat society envisages for it, can document timiies aiid mientalities as suggyestively as can their industrial enterprises; and physical training alwvays begs the question: training for wvhat? The question is answerable, even if the answer remains tentative. After Prtussia's defeat at Jena, FriedricL l udwig Jahn's TIrnkninst trained to withstand the French and, in dtue couLrse, forge German tunity. German g(>ym.nasts-7 1Turnier_ wTere to rediscover the lheroic (qtualities of their race and help create th-ieir still virtual nation. In England tllere was no defeat to avenge, no nation to forge for the futiure, but there wvere sclloolboys to tame and civilize. Their plhysical development presented nIo great problem, but their wild, sometimnes brutal play lhad to be disciplined. After the 183os this was done by enlisting high spirits in regulated games and by turning poachers into gamekeepers.