Analysis of Agro-meteorological Disasters Tendency Variation and the Impacts on Grain Yield over Northeast China
MA Jian-yong,XU Yin-long,Pan Jie
Abstract:Based on disaster-affected areas of drought,flood,wind-hail,low temperature,combining with grain yield data in Northeast China from 1971 to 2009,agro-meteorological disasters tendency variation and their impacting on grain yield in Northeast China had been studied in this paper.The tendency variation results showed that,in recent 39 years,only disaster-affected area ratio of wind-hail presented decreasing tendency obviously,while flood,drought and low temperature existed phase characteristics.In 1970s,disaster-affected area ratio of drought was higher than flood,which was on the contrary in 1980-1990s,and recent period was in relatively dry phase again,in terms of low temperature,it began to rebound in early 1990s and early 21st century.R/S analysis showed that Hurst index results of 4 agro-meteorological disasters were more than 0.5,indicating future tendency variation would be consistent with the past,namely,disaster-affected area ratio of wind-hail would continue to decrease,and drought would maintain the increment,while flood and low temperature would present fluctuant trend.Gray correlation analysis indicated that the impaction of agro-meteorological disasters on average grain yield performed differently in different provinces,in Liaoning as,droughtwind-hailfloodlow temperature,in Jilin as,flooddroughtlow temperaturewind-hail,in Heilongjiang as,droughtfloodlow temperaturewind-hail,which revealed drought and flood were major agro-meteorological disasters during grain production,and the impacts of low temperature was much greater towards the high latitude in Northeast China.