Mariane Rangel de Matos,Garcez,Alline Sardinha,F. LuizCarlos,Simone Vasconcelos,Cordeiro Morais,Deivison Lamonica,Barreto
Abstract:Highlights: The quality of requirements is of great importance for the success of a so� wa-re, both in rela� on to its opera� on and the costs involved in the development process. Requirements Management is an important process of so� ware engineering and the pres-ent work presents an approach on requirements quality with focus on the Requirements Management Process (RMP), present in the G level of the MPS.BR (Brazilian So� ware Process Improvement). The MPS.BR so� ware reference model brings the results to be achieved; however, they are diffi cult to implement because they do not present instruc-� ons on how to reach these results. The modeling of processes, through visual models, can be used as a facilitator for the understanding and execu� on of these results. Objecti ve: This work proposes the modeling of ac� vi� es and subprocesses, through the BPMN (Business Process Model and Nota� on), necessary to achieve each of the expected results in the RMP, where such modeling seeks to support the professionals who work in the implementa� on of the RMP for so� ware development projects. Methodology: It is divided into four steps: (i) Stage I - bibliographic review, (ii) Stage II - documental analysis of MPS.BR guides, (iii) Stage III - process modeling through the BPMN for the GRE at the MPS.BR G level, and (iv) valida� on of the modeling proposed through research with professionals who work in areas related to ICT (Informa� on and Communi-ca� on Technology). Results: The sample of professionals who validated the proposed models generated re-sults deemed sa� sfactory for improving the understanding of the ac� vi� es necessary for implemen� ng requirements management in so� ware development projects. Practi cal Implicati ons: This work is mainly intended to facilitate the execu� on of the expected results of the RMP. Originality: process modeling is presented as a visual means to defi ne the ac� vi� es necessary to achieve the processes proposed in standards and/or guidelines.
Computer Science,Engineering
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