Developmental dynamics in oral fluency and learner motivation: A dual‐focus approach
Hanjing Yu,Hongying Peng
International Journal of Applied Linguistics
Abstract:Adopting a comprehensive dual‐focus approach to oral fluency development, the present study examined the developmental trajectories of oral fluency in tertiary‐level Chinese EFL learners and identified the motivational attractor states helpful for shaping their oral production. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected over two semesters with monologue tasks and semi‐structured interviews, respectively. Oral fluency development was examined using moving min–max graphs, change point analysis, and Monte Carlo simulations, while the retrodiction approach was utilized to identify influential motivational attractor states. Results showed that, over the course of the study, the two learners experienced distinct variability and phase shifts in their development of oral fluency, largely attributable to their unique motivational attractor states. By employing such a dual‐focus approach, the present study provided a nuanced picture of Chinese EFL learners' developmental dynamics in terms of both oral fluency and learning motivation and the adaptive interactions between them, thus enriching our understanding of how oral fluency development relates to learner motivation. 摘要: 本研究基于复杂动态系统理论, 采用双焦路径考察中国英语学习者的口语流利性发展情况, 揭示其与学习动机之间的关系。研究历时两个学期, 收集数据包括口语语料和半结构化访谈。移动极大‐极小值图、变化点分析和蒙特卡罗模型综合分析显示, 两位学习者的口语流利性发展经历了显著的变异性和相移;结合访谈进行的反溯方法进一步识别出影响口语流利性发展的动机吸引子态。研究结果表明, 复杂动态系统理论指导下的双焦路径有助于细描中国英语学习者口语流利性和学习动机发展的详细图景, 可揭示语言系统和学习动机之间的适应性发展, 深化对口语发展与学习动机二者关系的认识和理解。
education & educational research,linguistics