Measurement of J/ψ-pair production in pp collisions at $$ \sqrt{s} $$ = 13 TeV and study of gluon transverse-momentum dependent PDFs

R. Aaij,A. S. W. Abdelmotteleb,C. Abellan Beteta,F. Abudinén,T. Ackernley,B. Adeva,M. Adinolfi,P. Adlarson,H. Afsharnia,C. Agapopoulou,C. A. Aidala,Z. Ajaltouni,S. Akar,K. Akiba,P. Albicocco,J. Albrecht,F. Alessio,M. Alexander,A. Alfonso Albero,Z. Aliouche,P. Alvarez Cartelle,R. Amalric,S. Amato,J. L. Amey,Y. Amhis,L. An,L. Anderlini,M. Andersson,A. Andreianov,P. Andreola,M. Andreotti,D. Andreou,A. Anelli,D. Ao,F. Archilli,S. Arguedas Cuendis,A. Artamonov,M. Artuso,E. Aslanides,M. Atzeni,B. Audurier,D. Bacher,I. Bachiller Perea,S. Bachmann,M. Bachmayer,J. J. Back,A. Bailly-reyre,P. Baladron Rodriguez,V. Balagura,W. Baldini,J. Baptista de Souza Leite,M. Barbetti,I. R. Barbosa,R. J. Barlow,S. Barsuk,W. Barter,M. Bartolini,F. Baryshnikov,J. M. Basels,G. Bassi,B. Batsukh,A. Battig,A. Bay,A. Beck,M. Becker,F. Bedeschi,I. B. Bediaga,A. Beiter,S. Belin,V. Bellee,K. Belous,I. Belov,I. Belyaev,G. Benane,G. Bencivenni,E. Ben-Haim,A. Berezhnoy,R. Bernet,S. Bernet Andres,H. C. Bernstein,C. Bertella,A. Bertolin,C. Betancourt,F. Betti,J. Bex,Ia. Bezshyiko,J. Bhom,M. S. Bieker,N. V. Biesuz,P. Billoir,A. Biolchini,M. Birch,F. C. R. Bishop,A. Bitadze,A. Bizzeti,M. P. Blago,T. Blake,F. Blanc,J. E. Blank,S. Blusk,D. Bobulska,V. Bocharnikov,J. A. Boelhauve,O. Boente Garcia,T. Boettcher,A. Bohare,A. Boldyrev,C. S. Bolognani,R. Bolzonella,N. Bondar,F. Borgato,S. Borghi,M. Borsato,J. T. Borsuk,S. A. Bouchiba,T. J. V. Bowcock,A. Boyer,C. Bozzi,M. J. Bradley,S. Braun,A. Brea Rodriguez,N. Breer,J. Brodzicka,A. Brossa Gonzalo,J. Brown,D. Brundu,A. Buonaura,L. Buonincontri,A. T. Burke,C. Burr,A. Bursche,A. Butkevich,J. S. Butter,J. Buytaert,W. Byczynski,S. Cadeddu,H. Cai,R. Calabrese,L. Calefice,S. Cali,M. Calvi,M. Calvo Gomez,J. Cambon Bouzas,P. Campana,D. H. Campora Perez,A. F. Campoverde Quezada,S. Capelli,L. Capriotti,A. Carbone,L. Carcedo Salgado,R. Cardinale,A. Cardini,P. Carniti,L. Carus,A. Casais Vidal,R. Caspary,G. Casse,J. Castro Godinez,M. Cattaneo,G. Cavallero,V. Cavallini,S. Celani,J. Cerasoli,D. Cervenkov,S. Cesare,A. J. Chadwick,I. Chahrour,M. Charles,Ph. Charpentier,C. A. Chavez Barajas,M. Chefdeville,C. Chen,S. Chen,A. Chernov,S. Chernyshenko,V. Chobanova,S. Cholak,M. Chrzaszcz,A. Chubykin,V. Chulikov,P. Ciambrone,M. F. Cicala,X. Cid Vidal,G. Ciezarek,P. Cifra,P. E. L. Clarke,M. Clemencic,H. V. Cliff,J. Closier,J. L. Cobbledick,C. Cocha Toapaxi,V. Coco,J. Cogan,E. Cogneras,L. Cojocariu,P. Collins,T. Colombo,A. Comerma-Montells,L. Congedo,A. Contu,N. Cooke,I. Corredoira,A. Correia,G. Corti,J. J. Cottee Meldrum,B. Couturier,D. C. Craik,M. Cruz Torres,R. Currie,C. L. Da Silva,S. Dadabaev,L. Dai,X. Dai,E. Dall’Occo,J. Dalseno,C. D’Ambrosio,J. Daniel,A. Danilina,P. d’Argent,A. Davidson,J. E. Davies,A. Davis,O. De Aguiar Francisco,C. De Angelis,J. de Boer,K. De Bruyn,S. De Capua,M. De Cian,U. De Freitas Carneiro Da Graca,E. De Lucia,J. M. De Miranda,L. De Paula,M. De Serio,D. De Simone,P. De Simone,F. De Vellis,J. A. de Vries,F. Debernardis,D. Decamp,V. Dedu,L. Del Buono,B. Delaney,H.-P. Dembinski,J. Deng,V. Denysenko,O. Deschamps,F. Dettori,B. Dey,P. Di Nezza,I. Diachkov,S. Didenko,S. Ding,V. Dobishuk,A. D. Docheva,A. Dolmatov,C. Dong,A. M. Donohoe,F. Dordei,A. C. dos Reis,L. Douglas,A. G. Downes,W. Duan,P. Duda,M. W. Dudek,L. Dufour,V. Duk,P. Durante,M. M. Duras,J. M. Durham,D. Dutta,A. Dziurda,A. Dzyuba,S. Easo,E. Eckstein,U. Egede,A. Egorychev,V. Egorychev,C. Eirea Orro,S. Eisenhardt,E. Ejopu,S. Ek-In,L. Eklund,M. Elashri,J. Ellbracht,S. Ely,A. Ene,E. Epple,S. Escher,J. Eschle,S. Esen,T. Evans,F. Fabiano,L. N. Falcao,Y. Fan,B. Fang,L. Fantini,M. Faria,K. Farmer,D. Fazzini,L. Felkowski,M. Feng,M. Feo,M. Fernandez Gomez,A. D. Fernez,F. Ferrari,F. Ferreira Rodrigues,S. Ferreres Sole,M. Ferrillo,M. Ferro-Luzzi,S. Filippov,R. A. Fini,M. Fiorini,M. Firlej,K. M. Fischer,D. S. Fitzgerald,C. Fitzpatrick,T. Fiutowski,F. Fleuret,M. Fontana,F. Fontanelli,L. F. Foreman,R. Forty,D. Foulds-Holt,M. Franco Sevilla,M. Frank,E. Franzoso,G. Frau,C. Frei,D. A. Friday,L. Frontini,J. Fu,Q. Fuehring,Y. Fujii,T. Fulghesu,E. Gabriel,G. Galati,M. D. Galati,A. Gallas Torreira,D. Galli,S. Gambetta,M. Gandelman,P. Gandini,H. Gao,R. Gao,Y. Gao,Y. Gao,Y. Gao,M. Garau,L. M. Garcia Martin,P. Garcia Moreno,J. García Pardiñas,B. Garcia Plana,K. G. Garg,L. Garrido,C. Gaspar,R. E. Geertsema,L. L. Gerken,E. Gersabeck,M. Gersabeck,T. Gershon,Z. Ghorbanimoghaddam,L. Giambastiani,F. I. Giasemis,V. Gibson,H. K. Giemza,A. L. Gilman,M. Giovannetti,A. Gioventù,P. Gironella Gironell,C. Giugliano,M. A. Giza,E. L. Gkougkousis,F. C. Glaser,V. V. Gligorov,C. Göbel,E. Golobardes,D. Golubkov,A. Golutvin,A. Gomes,S. Gomez Fernandez,F. Goncalves Abrantes,M. Goncerz,G. Gong,J. A. Gooding,I. V. Gorelov,C. Gotti,J. P. Grabowski,L. A. Granado Cardoso,E. Graugés,E. Graverini,L. Grazette,G. Graziani,A. T. Grecu,L. M. Greeven,N. A. Grieser,L. Grillo,S. Gromov,C. Gu,M. Guarise,M. Guittiere,V. Guliaeva,P. A. Günther,A.-K. Guseinov,E. Gushchin,Y. Guz,T. Gys,T. Hadavizadeh,C. Hadjivasiliou,G. Haefeli,C. Haen,J. Haimberger,M. Hajheidari,T. Halewood-leagas,M. M. Halvorsen,P. M. Hamilton,J. Hammerich,Q. Han,X. Han,S. Hansmann-Menzemer,L. Hao,N. Harnew,T. Harrison,M. Hartmann,C. Hasse,J. He,K. Heijhoff,F. Hemmer,C. Henderson,R. D. L. Henderson,A. M. Hennequin,K. Hennessy,L. Henry,J. Herd,J. Heuel,A. Hicheur,D. Hill,S. E. Hollitt,J. Horswill,R. Hou,Y. Hou,N. Howarth,J. Hu,J. Hu,W. Hu,X. Hu,W. Huang,W. Hulsbergen,R. J. Hunter,M. Hushchyn,D. Hutchcroft,M. Idzik,D. Ilin,P. Ilten,A. Inglessi,A. Iniukhin,A. Ishteev,K. Ivshin,R. Jacobsson,H. Jage,S. J. Jaimes Elles,S. Jakobsen,E. Jans,B. K. Jashal,A. Jawahery,V. Jevtic,E. Jiang,X. Jiang,Y. Jiang,Y. J. Jiang,M. John,D. Johnson,C. R. Jones,T. P. Jones,S. Joshi,B. Jost,N. Jurik,I. Juszczak,D. Kaminaris,S. Kandybei,Y. Kang,M. Karacson,D. Karpenkov,M. Karpov,A. M. Kauniskangas,J. W. Kautz,F. Keizer,D. M. Keller,M. Kenzie,T. Ketel,B. Khanji,A. Kharisova,S. Kholodenko,G. Khreich,T. Kirn,V. S. 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Mokhnenko,T. Mombächer,M. Monk,I. A. Monroy,S. Monteil,A. Morcillo Gomez,G. Morello,M. J. Morello,M. P. Morgenthaler,J. Moron,A. B. Morris,A. G. Morris,R. Mountain,H. Mu,Z. M. Mu,E. Muhammad,F. Muheim,M. Mulder,K. Müller,F. Mũnoz-Rojas,R. Murta,P. Naik,T. Nakada,R. Nandakumar,T. Nanut,I. Nasteva,M. Needham,N. Neri,S. Neubert,N. Neufeld,P. Neustroev,R. Newcombe,J. Nicolini,D. Nicotra,E. M. Niel,N. Nikitin,P. Nogga,N. S. Nolte,C. Normand,J. Novoa Fernandez,G. Nowak,C. Nunez,H. N. Nur,A. Oblakowska-Mucha,V. Obraztsov,T. Oeser,S. Okamura,R. Oldeman,F. Oliva,M. Olocco,C. J. G. Onderwater,R. H. O’Neil,J. M. Otalora Goicochea,T. Ovsiannikova,P. Owen,A. Oyanguren,O. Ozcelik,K. O. Padeken,B. Pagare,P. R. Pais,T. Pajero,A. Palano,M. Palutan,G. Panshin,L. Paolucci,A. Papanestis,M. Pappagallo,L. L. Pappalardo,C. Pappenheimer,C. Parkes,B. Passalacqua,G. Passaleva,D. Passaro,A. Pastore,M. Patel,J. Patoc,C. Patrignani,C. J. Pawley,A. Pellegrino,M. Pepe Altarelli,S. Perazzini,D. Pereima,A. 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Saborido Silva,R. Sadek,N. Sagidova,N. Sahoo,B. Saitta,M. Salomoni,C. Sanchez Gras,I. Sanderswood,R. Santacesaria,C. Santamarina Rios,M. Santimaria,L. Santoro,E. Santovetti,A. Saputi,D. Saranin,G. Sarpis,M. Sarpis,A. Sarti,C. Satriano,A. Satta,M. Saur,D. Savrina,H. Sazak,L. G. Scantlebury Smead,A. Scarabotto,S. Schael,S. Scherl,A. M. Schertz,M. Schiller,H. Schindler,M. Schmelling,B. Schmidt,S. Schmitt,H. Schmitz,O. Schneider,A. Schopper,N. Schulte,S. Schulte,M. H. Schune,R. Schwemmer,G. Schwering,B. Sciascia,A. Sciuccati,S. Sellam,A. Semennikov,M. Senghi Soares,A. Sergi,N. Serra,L. Sestini,A. Seuthe,Y. Shang,D. M. Shangase,M. Shapkin,I. Shchemerov,L. Shchutska,T. Shears,L. Shekhtman,Z. Shen,S. Sheng,V. Shevchenko,B. Shi,E. B. Shields,Y. Shimizu,E. Shmanin,R. Shorkin,J. D. Shupperd,R. Silva Coutinho,G. Simi,S. Simone,N. Skidmore,R. Skuza,T. Skwarnicki,M. W. Slater,J. C. Smallwood,E. Smith,K. Smith,M. Smith,A. Snoch,L. Soares Lavra,M. D. Sokoloff,F. J. P. Soler,A. Solomin,A. Solovev,I. Solovyev,R. Song,Y. Song,Y. Song,Y. S. Song,F. L. Souza De Almeida,B. Souza De Paula,E. Spadaro Norella,E. Spedicato,J. G. Speer,E. Spiridenkov,P. Spradlin,V. Sriskaran,F. Stagni,M. Stahl,S. Stahl,S. Stanislaus,E. N. Stein,O. Steinkamp,O. Stenyakin,H. Stevens,D. Strekalina,Y. Su,F. Suljik,J. Sun,L. Sun,Y. Sun,P. N. Swallow,K. Swientek,F. Swystun,A. Szabelski,T. Szumlak,M. Szymanski,Y. Tan,S. Taneja,M. D. Tat,A. Terentev,F. Terzuoli,F. Teubert,E. Thomas,D. J. D. Thompson,H. Tilquin,V. Tisserand,S. T’Jampens,M. Tobin,L. Tomassetti,G. Tonani,X. Tong,D. Torres Machado,L. Toscano,D. Y. Tou,C. Trippl,G. Tuci,N. Tuning,L. H. Uecker,A. Ukleja,D. J. Unverzagt,E. Ursov,A. Usachov,A. Ustyuzhanin,U. Uwer,V. Vagnoni,A. Valassi,G. Valenti,N. Valls Canudas,H. Van Hecke,E. van Herwijnen,C. B. Van Hulse,R. Van Laak,M. van Veghel,R. Vazquez Gomez,P. Vazquez Regueiro,C. Vázquez Sierra,S. Vecchi,J. J. Velthuis,M. Veltri,A. Venkateswaran,M. Vesterinen,D. Vieira,M. Vieites Diaz,X. Vilasis-Cardona,E. Vilella Figueras,A. Villa,P. Vincent,F. C. Volle,D. vom Bruch,V. Vorobyev,N. Voropaev,K. Vos,C. Vrahas,J. Walsh,E. J. Walton,G. Wan,C. Wang,G. Wang,J. Wang,J. Wang,J. Wang,J. Wang,M. Wang,N. W. Wang,R. Wang,X. Wang,X. W. Wang,Y. Wang,Z. Wang,Z. Wang,Z. Wang,J. A. Ward,N. K. Watson,D. Websdale,Y. Wei,B. D. C. Westhenry,D. J. White,M. Whitehead,A. R. Wiederhold,D. Wiedner,G. Wilkinson,M. K. Wilkinson,M. Williams,M. R. J. Williams,R. Williams,F. F. Wilson,W. Wislicki,M. Witek,L. Witola,C. P. Wong,G. Wormser,S. A. Wotton,H. Wu,J. Wu,Y. Wu,K. Wyllie,S. Xian,Z. Xiang,Y. Xie,A. Xu,J. Xu,L. Xu,L. Xu,M. Xu,Z. Xu,Z. Xu,Z. Xu,D. Yang,S. Yang,X. Yang,Y. Yang,Z. Yang,Z. Yang,V. Yeroshenko,H. Yeung,H. Yin,C. Y. Yu,J. Yu,X. Yuan,E. Zaffaroni,M. Zavertyaev,M. Zdybal,M. Zeng,C. Zhang,D. Zhang,J. Zhang,L. Zhang,S. Zhang,S. Zhang,Y. Zhang,Y. Zhang,Y. Z. Zhang,Y. Zhao,A. Zharkova,A. Zhelezov,X. Z. Zheng,Y. Zheng,T. Zhou,X. Zhou,Y. Zhou,V. Zhovkovska,L. Z. Zhu,X. Zhu,X. Zhu,Z. Zhu,V. Zhukov,J. Zhuo,Q. Zou,D. Zuliani,G. Zunica,
IF: 6.379
Journal of High Energy Physics
Abstract:A bstract The production cross-section of J/ψ pairs in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of $$ \sqrt{s} $$ s = 13 TeV is measured using a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 4 . 2 fb − 1 collected by the LHCb experiment. The measurement is performed with both J/ψ mesons in the transverse momentum range 0 < p T < 14 GeV/ c and rapidity range 2 . 0 < y < 4 . 5. The cross-section of this process is measured to be 16 . 36 ± 0 . 28 (stat) ± 0 . 88 (syst) nb. The contributions from single-parton scattering and double-parton scattering are separated based on the dependence of the cross-section on the absolute rapidity difference ∆ y between the two J/ψ mesons. The effective cross-section of double-parton scattering is measured to be σ eff = 13 . 1 ± 1 . 8 (stat) ± 2 . 3 (syst) mb. The distribution of the azimuthal angle φ CS of one of the J/ψ mesons in the Collins-Soper frame and the p T -spectrum of the J/ψ pairs are also measured for the study of the gluon transverse-momentum dependent distributions inside protons. The extracted values of ⟨cos 2 φ CS ⟩ and ⟨cos 4 φ CS ⟩ are consistent with zero, but the presence of azimuthal asymmetry at a few percent level is allowed.
physics, particles & fields
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The purpose of this paper is to solve the following problems: 1. **Measuring the production cross - section of J/ψ pairs in proton - proton collisions**: Study the production cross - section of J/ψ pairs in proton - proton collisions at the center - of - mass energy of \(\sqrt{s}=13\) TeV. The experiment used the data sample collected by the LHCb experiment, with the corresponding integrated luminosity of 4.2 fb\(^{-1}\). The measurement range is limited to the transverse momentum \(0 < p_T < 14\) GeV/c and rapidity \(2.0 < y < 4.5\) of the two J/ψ mesons. The measured cross - section value is \(16.36\pm0.28\) (statistical) \(\pm0.88\) (systematic) nb. 2. **Separating the contributions of single - parton scattering (SPS) and double - parton scattering (DPS)**: Separate the contributions of SPS and DPS by analyzing the absolute rapidity difference \(\Delta y\) between the two J/ψ mesons. The effective cross - section \(\sigma_{\text{eff}}\) of DPS is measured to be \(13.1\pm1.8\) (statistical) \(\pm2.3\) (systematic) mb. 3. **Studying the gluon transverse - momentum - dependent distribution functions (TMDs)**: Study the transverse - momentum - dependent distribution of gluons inside the proton by measuring the azimuthal angle \(\phi_{\text{CS}}\) distribution of one J/ψ meson in the Collins - Soper coordinate system and the \(p_T\) spectrum of J/ψ pairs. The extracted \(\langle\cos 2\phi_{\text{CS}}\rangle\) and \(\langle\cos 4\phi_{\text{CS}}\rangle\) values are consistent with zero, but an azimuthal asymmetry of a few percent is allowed. The main objective of the paper is to further understand the internal structure of the proton, especially the gluon transverse - momentum - dependent distribution functions (TMDs), and the relative contributions of single - parton scattering and double - parton scattering through precise measurement of the production cross - section of J/ψ pairs and their related physical quantities. These studies are of great significance for verifying the theoretical predictions of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) and exploring new physics beyond the standard model.