Towards Efficient MPPI Trajectory Generation with Unscented Guidance: U-MPPI Control Strategy
Ihab S. Mohamed,Junhong Xu,Gaurav S Sukhatme,Lantao Liu
Abstract:The classical Model Predictive Path Integral (MPPI) control framework lacks reliable safety guarantees since it relies on a risk-neutral trajectory evaluation technique, which can present challenges for safety-critical applications such as autonomous driving. Additionally, if the majority of MPPI sampled trajectories concentrate in high-cost regions, it may generate an infeasible control sequence. To address this challenge, we propose the U-MPPI control strategy, a novel methodology that can effectively manage system uncertainties while integrating a more efficient trajectory sampling strategy. The core concept is to leverage the Unscented Transform (UT) to propagate not only the mean but also the covariance of the system dynamics, going beyond the traditional MPPI method. As a result, it introduces a novel and more efficient trajectory sampling strategy, significantly enhancing state-space exploration and ultimately reducing the risk of being trapped in local minima. Furthermore, by leveraging the uncertainty information provided by UT, we incorporate a risk-sensitive cost function that explicitly accounts for risk or uncertainty throughout the trajectory evaluation process, resulting in a more resilient control system capable of handling uncertain conditions. By conducting extensive simulations of 2D aggressive autonomous navigation in both known and unknown cluttered environments, we verify the efficiency and robustness of our proposed U-MPPI control strategy compared to the baseline MPPI. We further validate the practicality of U-MPPI through real-world demonstrations in unknown cluttered environments, showcasing its superior ability to incorporate both the UT and local costmap into the optimization problem without introducing additional complexity.
Robotics,Systems and Control