The Lichtenstein inguinal hernia repair : applicability, antibiotic prophylaxis and complications

T. Aufenacker
Abstract:Introduction n TheOLVGG is a large district teaching hospital with a residency program for generall surgery. Each year between 275 and 350 inguinal hernia (IH) repairs are performed.. From 1996 onwards the treatment strategy for IH repairs shifted from mainlyy non-mesh repairs to mesh repair. Since 1998 IH repairs in this hospital weree performed according to the preliminary 'Evidence Based Guidelines' concerningg inguinal hernia repair. In 2003 the Dutch Evidence Based Guidelines onn IH repair were published. As the chairman of the committee (MS) is a general surgeonn in theOLVG, the preliminary Guidelines could be implemented well beforee the official publication. In summary the recommendations are the use of meshh based techniques in adults, limited indications for endoscopic repair (primaryy bilateral hernia and recurrence after anterior repair, performed by well trainedd teams), operation preferably performed in day surgery and to consider thee use of local anaesthesia when performing open anterior repair. Thee Guidelines furthermore consist of 20 chapters with recommendations concerningg all aspects of IH surgery from diagnosis to postoperative treatment. Itt is well known that implementation of guidelines is a very difficult problem. Thereforee it is most interesting what the impact of these guidelines will be. Too perform a proper analysis of this impact a baseline nationwide analysis (January-Marchh 2001) of IH surgery in the Netherlands preceding the implementationn of the guidelines was performed. These results will be comparedd to a second analysis that will take place in 2006. IntheOLVG implementationn could be studied earlier because of the above mentioned factors.. In this study the results of eleven years of hernia surgery in a teaching hospitall already working according the Guidelines from 1998 onwards are evaluatedd and compared. Thee aim of this study was to analyse whether the use of the Guidelines improves thee quality of IH repair in terms of a reduction of the operated recurrences especiallyy from the patients who underwent the previous repair in this hospital.. Patientss and methods AA retrospective study was performed which included all male adults (> 18 years) undergoingg IH surgery in the OLVG hospital fora primary or recurrent inguinal herniaa in 1994, 1996 and from 1998 until 2004. The analysis is performed in three timee episodes to reduce the amount of data presented in the tables. The first (1994-1998)) period was before the Guideline development. Second (1999-2001) periodd was during the development and the third after completion of the Guideliness (2002-2004). The parameters analyzed included patient demographics,, hernia characteristics and surgical techniques used. Data were retrievedd from original patient and operation charts. Patients were contacted to supplyy missing data as necessary and where possible. A recurrent hernia was definedd as any inguinal or femoral hernia, in a patient previously operated on for anyy type of IH. The location of the previous operation was recorded to separate referralss from patients who underwent the previous repair in the study hospital. Inn patients with a bilateral hernia both hernias were evaluated separately. Thee data were analyzed using the chi-square test. A p-value of < 0.05 was consideredd to be significant.
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