Engineering Course Development Process to meet Outcome Based Education
Kilari Veera Swamy,Vadhi Radhika,Srilakshmi Aouthu,,,
Journal of Engineering Education Transformations
Abstract:Abstract—The major components of Outcome Based Education (OBE) are an outcome-based curriculum, outcomebased teaching & learning, and outcome-based assessment. Courses in Outcome based curriculum are designed with a goal of what a student will be able to do at the end of the course. In this paper, the course development process is covered in detail to meet the OBE. The Course development process comprises of four distinct stages. These are course planning, course designing and developing, course implementation, and course evaluation. The output of the course planning and course designing phases leads to the emergence of well-defined course topics that are to be implemented. Writing Course objectives and outcomes play a vital role in OBE. Various levels of engineering course development are also presented. While developing the new course, Bloom’s levels and engineering knowledge categories are used. Two methods are presented to map the course outcomes with program outcomes. In method 1, the number of classroom sessions planned are used for mapping. In the second method, matching components are used for mapping. The course evaluation process is also discussed in this paper to meet student-centric learning. Experiments indicate that engineering course development using all three Bloom’s domains with engineering knowledge categories addresses the maximum number of graduate attributes. Keywords—Course Outcomes; Graduate Attributes; Outcome Based Education; Program Outcomes.