Understanding ADHD in Black Adolescents in Urban Schools: A Qualitative Examination of Factors that Influence ADHD Presentation, Coping Strategies, and Access to Care
Nellie Shippen,Sha Raye Horn,Patricia Triece,Andrea Chronis-Tuscano,Michael C Meinzer
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/23794925.2021.2013140
Abstract:The high school years are a challenging developmental period for adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), their families, and those who work with them in the school system. Moreover, racially minoritized families and schools in low-resource, urban settings often experience additional adverse experiences that can make access to evidence-based mental health care particularly difficult. This qualitative investigation into the experiences of Black high school students with ADHD, their caregivers, teachers, and school mental health providers (SMHPs) aimed to understand this community's experiences with ADHD across development and to explore the barriers/facilitators to adequate services. Through focus group interviews with stakeholders (i.e., 6 adolescents with a diagnosis of ADHD, 5 caregivers of adolescents with ADHD, 6 teachers, 5 school mental health providers), themes emerged related to (1) developmental changes observed in ADHD presentation in high school students and (2) contextual factors (including barriers/facilitators to optimal school and home functioning). These themes led to the development of an ecological model that show various contextual factors influencing the experiences of Black adolescents with ADHD in under-resourced urban public high schools (e.g., adolescents' coping strategies, caregiver involvement, teacher burden or lack of ADHD-knowledge, socioeconomic status, access to care). This qualitative study represents the first step of a treatment development project assessing the implementation of a depression prevention intervention for Black adolescents with ADHD in urban public-school settings. Clinical implications (e.g., coordination of care between home and schools, increasing attention to social determinants of health, ensuring culturally competent discussion of ADHD and its treatment) are discussed.