MITHOS: Interactive Mixed Reality Training to Support Professional Socio-Emotional Interactions at Schools
Lara Chehayeb,Chirag Bhuvaneshwara,Manuel Anglet,Bernhard Hilpert,Ann-Kristin Meyer,Dimitra Tsovaltzi,Patrick Gebhard,Antje Biermann,Sinah Auchtor,Nils Lauinger,Julia Knopf,Andreas Kaiser,Fabian Kersting,Gregor Mehlmann,Florian Lingenfelser,Elisabeth André
Abstract:Teachers in challenging conflict situations often experience shame and self-blame, which relate to the feeling of incompetence but may externalise as anger. Sensing mixed signals fails the contingency rule for developing affect regulation and may result in confusion for students about their own emotions and hinder their emotion regulation. Therefore, being able to constructively regulate emotions not only benefits individual experience of emotions but also fosters effective interpersonal emotion regulation and influences how a situation is managed. MITHOS is a system aimed at training teachers' conflict resolution skills through realistic situative learning opportunities during classroom conflicts. In four stages, MITHOS supports teachers' socio-emotional self-awareness, perspective-taking and positive regard. It provides: a) a safe virtual environment to train free social interaction and receive natural social feedback from reciprocal student-agent reactions, b) spatial situational perspective taking through an avatar, c) individual virtual reflection guidance on emotional experiences through co-regulation processes, and d) expert feedback on professional behavioural strategies. This chapter presents the four stages and their implementation in a semi-automatic Wizard-of-Oz (WoZ) System. The WoZ system affords collecting data that are used for developing the fully automated hybrid (machine learning and model-based) system, and to validate the underlying psychological and conflict resolution models. We present results validating the approach in terms of scenario realism, as well as a systematic testing of the effects of external avatar similarity on antecedents of self-awareness with behavior similarity. The chapter contributes to a common methodology of conducting interdisciplinary research for human-centered and generalisable XR and presents a system designed to support it.
Human-Computer Interaction,Artificial Intelligence