Phase Diagram and High Temperature Superconductivity at 65 K in Tuning Carrier Concentration of Single-Layer FeSe Films
Shaolong He,Junfeng He,Wenhao Zhang,Lin Zhao,Defa Liu,Xu Liu,D. Mou,Y. Ou,Qingyang Wang,Z. Li,Lili Wang,Y. Peng,Yan Liu,Chaoyu Chen,Li Yu,Guodong Liu,Xiaoli Dong,Jun Zhang,Chuangtian Chen,Zu-Yan Xu,Xi Chen,Xucun Ma,Q. Xue,X. Zhou
Abstract:Superconductivity in the cuprate superconductors and the Fe-based superconductors is realized by doping the parent compound with charge carriers, or by application of high pressure, to suppress the antiferromagnetic state. Such a rich phase diagram is important in understanding superconductivity mechanism and other physics in the Cuand Fe-based high temperature superconductors. In this paper, we report a phase diagram in the single-layer FeSe films grown on SrTiO3 substrate by an annealing procedure to tune the charge carrier concentration over a wide range. A dramatic change of the band structure and Fermi surface is observed, with two distinct phases identified that are competing during the annealing process. Superconductivity with a record high transition temperature (Tc) at 65±5 K is realized by optimizing the annealing process. The wide tunability of the system across different phases, and its high-Tc, make the single-layer FeSe film ideal not only to investigate the superconductivity physics and mechanism, but also to study novel quantum phenomena and for potential applications. 1 ar X iv :1 20 7. 68 23 v1 [ co nd -m at .s up rco n] 3 0 Ju l 2 01 2 In high temperature cuprate superconductors, superconductivity is realized by doping the parent Mott insulator with charge carriers to suppress the antiferromagnetic state[1]. In the process, the physical property experiences a dramatic change from antiferromagnetic insulator, to a superconductor and eventually to a non-superconducting normal metal. In the superconducting region, the transition temperature Tc can be tuned by the carrier concentration, initially going up with the increasing doping, reaching a maximum at an optimal doping, and then going down with further doping[1]. Such a rich evolution with doping not only provides a handle to tune the physical properties in a dramatic way, but also provides clues and constraints in understanding the origin of the high-Tc superconductivity. The same is true for the Fe-based superconductors where superconductivity is achieved by doping the parent magnetic compounds which are nevertheless metallic[2, 3]. Again, the superconducting transition temperature can be tuned over a wide doping range with an maximum Tc at the optimal doping. Understanding such a rich evolution is also a prerequisite in understanding the origin of high temperature superconductivity in the Fe-based superconductors. The latest discovery of high temperature superconductivity signature in the single-layer FeSe films[4, 5] is significant in a couple of respects. First, it may exhibit a high Tc that breaks the Tc record (∼55 K) in the Fe-based superconductors kept so far since 2008[6– 11]. Second, the discovery of such a high-Tc in the single-layer FeSe film is surprising when considering that its bulk counterpart has a Tc only at 8 K[9] although it can be enhanced to 36.7 K under high pressure[12]. Third, it provides an ideal system to investigate the origin of high temperature superconductivity. On the one hand, this system consists of a single-layer FeSe film that has a simple crystal structure and strictly two-dimensionality; its simple electronic structure may provide key insights on the high Tc superconductivity mechanism in the Fe-based compounds[5]. On the other hand, the unique properties of this system may involve the interface between the single-layer FeSe film and the SrTiO3 substrate that provides an opportunity to investigate the role of interface in generating high-Tc superconductivity[4]. Like in cuprates and other Fe-based superconductors, it is important to explore whether one can tune the single-layer FeSe system to vary its physical properties and superconductivity by changing the charge carrier concentration. In this paper, we report a wide range tunability of the electronic structure and physical properties that is realized in the single-