Multi-AUV Collaborative Data Collection and Trajectory Planning in Integrated Sensing and Communication for Underwater Acoustic Networks
Tianhao Hu,Xiaoxiao Zhuo,Liang Tang,Zhanya Li,Wenkai Lu,Fengzhong Qu
Abstract:In this paper, we investigate the multiple autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) collaborative data collection and tra- jectory planning scheme in integrated sensing and communication for underwater acoustic networks (ISAC-UANs). To collect data efficiently, AUVs traverse the overlapping communication region of sensor nodes instead of accessing every sensor node. In addition, the sensing function is required to enable obstacle avoidance. To this end, we first propose the time division multiple access (TDMA)-based communication and mono-static sensing strategy for ISAC-UANs. Secondly, we formulate the data collection and trajectory design problem into a min-max problem to minimize energy consumption and enhance the network throughput. To solve this problem, we decouple it into three sub-problems: the sensor node clustering problem, the cluster traversal problem, and the trajectory planning problem. The first sub-problem is to determine the AUV traversal area to collect data, which is solved by an overlapping communication regions based clustering algorithm. The second sub-problem is to determine the AUVs' cluster traversal sequence minimizing the traversal length, which is solved by an min-max ant colony optimization (ACO)-based algorithm. The third sub-problem involves planning the optimal trajectory for AUVs to reach the data collection area while avoiding obstacles, which is solved by the soft actor-critic (SAC)-based online trajectory planning algorithm. Extensive simulations demonstrate that the proposed scheme outperforms benchmarks in terms of trajectory length, energy consumption, and network throughput.