Roll Book Media Roll Book for Early Physical Science
Nurul Istiqomah,Hapidin,Elindra Yetti
Abstract:Studying physical science and then teaching it to children, as is known from decades of science education research, creates a huge problem of unknown origin. This study aims to develop a media and determine its effectiveness in increasing knowledge of physics for children. This research is a research and development with the stages of the ADDIE model to develop Roll Book media with the roll technique containing physical science material for early childhood. Data collection techniques were carried out through expert validation tests and field trial data. Analysis of effectiveness test data using a paired sample T-test statistical test. The results of the media effectiveness test showed an increase in knowledge of physics in the pre-test and pots-test. The summary of all the test results of the developed media shows that Roll Book products are effectively used to increase children's knowledge of physics. The concept of storybook media that has been developed in various interesting forms is expected to be an alternative solution for the scientific development of early childhood education studies.
Keywords: Early childhood, Physical science, Roll book
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