The internationalization of the Uningá Review Journal and the APA standards
Aline Miyuke Miyamoto,Crislene Santana Rodrigues da Silva,Isaac Romani,,,
Revista UNINGÁ Review
Abstract:Since its inception in 2010, the Uningá Review Journal (henceforth, URJ) has undergone adaptations as part of the consolidation/internationalization process and, as a result, the journal was able to add to its development actions related to access, dissemination/distribution and visibility of publications in the environment of the scientific society, aligned with Open Science practices. The first important aspect for the internationalization of a journal is its indexing in databases/directories. The URJ is currently indexed on the following platforms: EBSCO host – Academic Source, Latindex, Diadorim, Google Scholar, Capes Journal Portal and Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). These databases define quality criteria for indexing journals, so being indexed implies certification of notoriety recognized by the international community (Fleury, 2022). The indexation of a journal enhances its visibility and, consequently, leads to an increase in the number of citations of published scientific articles. Based on the amount of citations that the articles receive in a period, the impact factor is obtained, a fundamental criterion of quality in a scientific publication. To date, the URJ does not have JCR (Journal Citation Report) and SJR (Scientific Journal Rankings). In the four-year period 2013-2016, the journal obtained B4 stratification by the Qualis Periodics system. Currently presents Academic Google h5 index – 9 and City Factor – 1.04 (2020-2021). Another essential step is to fit the internationalization standards, because the largest indexers are already in this format and, with this, they further expand access to knowledge and information from secure sources. As an example, the Journal Portal created by Capes in 2000, which has already become one of the largest collections of journals and offer internationally produced scientific and technological publications. Thus, in January 2021, the URJ adopted bilingual publication (in Portuguese and in English), once, in an increasingly globalized world, the addition of the foreign language brings down another barrier to access. Publishing articles in English is considered one of the most relevant measures in the internationalization process and is part of the strategy to enhance the dissemination and distribution of these works both in Brazil and abroad (Antunes, Barros & Minayo, 2019). Fiorin (2011) states that one of the factors pointed out as a gauge of excellence in scientific production is its level of internationalization. With this in mind, in order to internationalize it, in January 2022, the journal adhered to the standards of the American Psychological Association (from now on, APA), in search of greater scope for publications. The APA is an organization founded in July 1892 by a group of professionals interested in what they called “the new psychology”. In its beginning, it had 31 participants, however, it grew rapidly after World War II. Today, it is the largest scientific organization of Psychology in the United States, with more than 121,000 professionals, including consultants, educators, researchers, clinicians, students, in addition to the members themselves (American Psychological Association, 2008). These norms appeared in 1929, published in manuscript format, entitled “Instructions in regard to preparation of manuscript”. This manual was produced by business managers, anthropologists and psychologists in order to compose a guide to help in the structuring of scientific articles and also to standardize tables, figures and references, with the intention of assisting in the composition of these (Bentley et al., 1929). After this first material, these guidelines had additions and updates, being in its seventh edition. These modifications needed to be made because of the refinement of analyses caused by the implementation of new technologies and the propagation of these in various media on the internet (American Psychological Association, 2012). With the “new” standardization adopted, it seeks to reach more researchers, so that there is greater dissemination of scientific knowledge, consonant to thought aligned with “Open Science”. Packer and Santos (2019) describe that the adoption of Open Science “pleads a considerable transformation [...] of the traditional modus operandi of fostering, designing, realizing and, particularly, to communicate research”, since “the objective is to privilege the collaborative nature of research and democratize the access and use of scientific knowledge”. Furthermore, there are different challenges to those found so far for the URJ, because there is the intention of fully achieving its internationalization. This is expected to bring new opportunities. Faria (2017) reports that the great challenge of internationalization, in addition to the use of English language, is the quality of the published articles, the partnership of natives with English-speaking authors as their mother language, as well as the composition of an international editorial board. In view of these important achievements, such as internationalization and Open Science adhering, the URJ invites all researchers to submit their manuscripts. It is a multidisciplinary journal, which publishes original articles, case/experience reports and literature reviews, in the following sections: a) Agrarian Sciences and Environment, b) Exact and Earth Sciences, and Engineerings, c) Social and Human Sciences. REFERENCES American Psychological Association. (2008). APA History. Recuperado de: American Psychological Association. (2012). Manual de Publicação da APA; tradução: Daniel Bueno; revisão técnica: Maria Lucia Tiellet Nunes. 6. ed. – Porto Alegre: Penso. Antunes, J. L. F., Barros, A. J. D., & Minayo, M. C. S. (2019). Caminhos da internacionalização dos periódicos de saúde coletiva. Saúde em Debate, 43(122), p. 878. Bentley, M., Peerenboom, C. A., Hodge, F. W., Passano, E. B., Warren, H. C., & Washburn, M. F. (1929). Instructions in regard to preparation of manuscript. 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