Fast WDM provisioning with minimal probing: the first field experiments for DC exchanges
Hideki Nishizawa,Toru Mano,Thomas Ferreira De Lima,Yue-Kai Huang,Zehao Wang,Wataru Ishida,Masahisa Kawashima,Ezra Ip,Andrea D'Amico,Seiji Okamoto,Takeru Inoue,Kazuya Anazawa,Vittorio Curri,Gil Zussman,Daniel Kilper,Tingjun Chen,Ting Wang,Koji Asahi,Koichi Takasugi
Abstract:We propose an approach to estimate the end-to-end GSNR accurately in a short time when a data center interconnect (DCI) network operator receives a service request from users, not by measuring the GSNR at the operational route and wavelength for the End-End optical path but by simply applying a QoT probe channel link by link, at a convenient wavelength/modulation-format for measurement. Assuming connections between coherent transceivers of various frequency ranges, modulators, and modulation formats, we propose a new device software architecture in which the DCI network operator optimizes the transmission mode between user transceivers with high accuracy using only standard parameters such as Bit Error Rate. In this paper, we first experimentally built three different routes of 32 km/72 km/122 km in the C-band to confirm the accuracy of this approach. For the operational end-to-end GSNR measurements, the accuracy estimated from the sum of the measurements for each link was 0.6 dB, and the wavelength-dependent error was about 0.2 dB. Then, using field fibers deployed in the NSF COSMOS testbed (deployed in an urban area), a Linux-based transmission device software architecture, and coherent transceivers with different optical frequency ranges, modulators, and modulation formats, the fast WDM provisioning of an optical path was completed within 6 minutes (with a Q-factor error of about 0.7 dB).
Systems and Control