Linguistic Knowledge-Aware Neural Machine Translation
Qiang Li,Derek F. Wong,Lidia S. Chao,Muhua Zhu,Tong Xiao,Jingbo Zhu,Min Zhang
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing
Abstract:Recently, researchers have shown an increasing interest in incorporating linguistic knowledge into neural machine translation (NMT). To this end, previous works choose either to alter the architecture of NMT encoder to incorporate syntactic information into the translation model, or to generalize the embedding layer of the encoder to encode additional linguistic features. The former approach mainly focuses on injecting the syntactic structure of the source sentence into the encoding process, leading to a complicated model that lacks the flexibility to incorporate other types of knowledge. The latter extends word embeddings by considering additional linguistic knowledge as features to enrich the word representation. It thus does not explicitly balance the contribution from word embeddings and the contribution from additional linguistic knowledge. To address these limitations, this paper proposes a knowledge-aware NMT approach that models additional linguistic features in parallel to the word feature. The core idea is that we propose modeling a series of linguistic features at the word level (knowledge block) using a recurrent neural network (RNN). And in sentence level, those word-corresponding feature blocks are further encoded using a RNN encoder. In decoding, we propose a knowledge gate and an attention gate to dynamically control the proportions of information contributing to the generation of target words from different sources. Extensive experiments show that our approach is capable of better accounting for importance of additional linguistic, and we observe significant improvements from 1.0 to 2.3 BLEU points on Chinese$\leftrightarrow$ English and English$\rightarrow$German translation tasks.