The transition from carbon dust to silicates production in low-metallicity AGB and SAGB stars
P. Ventura,M. Di Criscienzo,R. Schneider,R. Carini,R. Valiante,F. D'Antona,S. Gallerani,R. Maiolino,A. Tornambé
Solar and Stellar Astrophysics
Abstract:We compute the mass and composition of dust produced by stars with masses in the range 1Msun<M<8 Msun and with a metallicity of Z=0.001 during their AGB and Super AGB phases. Stellar evolution is followed from the pre-main sequence phase using the code ATON which provides, at each timestep, the thermodynamics and the chemical stucture of the wind. We use a simple model to describe the growth of the dust grains under the hypothesis of a time-independent, spherically symmetric stellar wind. We find that the total mass of dust injected by AGB stars in the interstellar medium does not increase monotonically with stellar mass and ranges between a minimum of 10^{-6}Msun for the 1.5Msun stellar model, up to 2x10^{-4} Msun, for the 6Msun case. Dust composition depends on the stellar mass: low-mass stars (M < 3Msun) produce carbon-rich dust, whereas more massive stars, experiencing Hot Bottom Burning, never reach the carbon-star stage, and produce silicates and iron. This is in partial disagreement with previous investigations in the literature, which are based on synthetic AGB models and predict that, when the initial metallicity is Z=0.001, C-rich dust is formed at all stellar masses. The differences are due to the different modelling of turbulent convection in the super-adiabaticity regime. Also in this case the treatment of super-adiabatic convection shows up as the most relevant issue affecting the dust-formation process. We also investigate Super AGB stars with masses 6.5Msun<M<8 Msun that evolve over a ONe core.Due to a favourable combination of mass loss and Hot Bottom Burning, these stars are predicted to be the most efficient silicate-dust producers, releasing [2 - 7]x 10^{-4} Msun masses of dust. We discuss the robustness of these predictions and their relevance for the nature and evolution of dust at early cosmic times.